(master) doxdox documentation

Full-featured Socket.IO client implementation for NativeScript

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.client.Ack interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.client.Manager$OpenCallback interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.client.On$Handle interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.emitter.Emitter$Listener interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.engineio.parser.Parser$DecodePayloadCallback interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.engineio.parser.Parser$EncodeCallback interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.parser.Parser interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.parser.Parser$Decoder interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.parser.Parser$Decoder$Callback interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.parser.Parser$Encoder interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the io.socket.parser.Parser$Encoder$Callback interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.Authenticator interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.Call interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.Call$Factory interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.Callback interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.Connection interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.CookieJar interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.Dns interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.EventListener$Factory interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.Interceptor interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.Interceptor$Chain interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.WebSocket interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okhttp3.WebSocket$Factory interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okio.BufferedSink interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okio.BufferedSource interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okio.Sink interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.

# constructor()

Constructs a new instance of the okio.Source interface with the provided implementation. An empty constructor exists calling super() when extending the interface class.


# native.Array()