parse-cmd-args (main) doxdox documentation

Returns an object containing the path and flags parsed from process.argv

# parseCmdArgs(args, options, options.requireUserInput)

Returns an object containing the path and flags parsed from process.argv console.log(parseCmdArgs()); console.log(parseCmdArgs(process.argv.slice(2))); console.log(parseCmdArgs(['--version'])); console.log(parseCmdArgs(['-s', 'Test email'])); console.log(parseCmdArgs(['./src/', '-s', 'Test email'])); console.log(parseCmdArgs(null, {'requireUserInput': true}));


Name Types Description
args array Arguments to parse through.
options object Options object.
options.requireUserInput boolean Require user defined input through process.argv removing default of current directory.



Object with keys for both the input and flags parsed out of arguments array.