quickbase (master) doxdox documentation

A lightweight, typed, promise-based Quickbase API, autogenerated from the OpenAPI spec

# _id()

The internal numerical id for API calls. Increments by 1 with each request.

# appToken()

A Quickbase Application Token Only required when using Temporary Tokens Quickbase Documentation

# autoRenewTempTokens()

Automatically renew Temporary Tokens after they expire Default is true

# connectionLimit()

The maximum number of open, pending API connections to Quickbase Default is 10

# connectionLimitPeriod()

The period length, in milliseconds, of connection limit Default is 1000

# constructor(code, message, description, rayId)

Extends the native JavaScript Error object for use with Quickbase API errors Example: typescript const qbErr = new QuickBaseError(403, 'Access Denied', 'User token is invalid', 'xxxx');


Name Types Description
code Error code
message Error message
description Error description
rayId Quickbase API Ray ID

# e(dbid, tempToken)

Set the internally stored tempToken for use in subsequent API calls Example: typescript qb.setTempToken('xxxx.xxx[...]xxx', 'xxxxxxxxx');


Name Types Description
dbid Quickbase Application ID or Table ID
tempToken Temporary Quickbase Authentication Token

# e(obj)

Test if a variable is a quickbase object


Name Types Description
obj A variable you'd like to test

# eErrorJSON()

Serialize the QuickBaseError instance into JSON

# eErrorJSON(json)

Rebuild the QuickBaseError instance from serialized JSON


Name Types Description
json Serialized QuickBaseError class options

# eErrorJSON(json)

Create a new QuickBase instance from serialized JSON


Name Types Description
json Serialized QuickBaseError class options

# eOptions()

The default settings of a QuickBase instance

# eOptions()

The QuickBase instance settings

# eOptions(json)

Rebuild the QuickBase instance from serialized JSON


Name Types Description
json QuickBase class options

# eOptions()

Serialize the QuickBase instance into JSON

# eOptions(json)

Create a new QuickBase instance from serialized JSON


Name Types Description
json QuickBase class options

# errorOnConnectionLimit()

Throw an error if the connection limit is exceeded Default is false

# proxy()

Allows the use of a proxy for Quickbase API requests Default is false

# realm()

Quickbase Realm. For example, if your Quickbase url is: demo.quickbase.com Your realm is: demo

# retryOnQuotaExceeded()

Automatically retry if the Quickbase API rate limit is exceeded Default is true

# server()

Quickbase API Server FQDN Default is api.quickbase.com

# tempToken()

A Temporary Authentication Token or Temporary Table Authentication Token. If both a userToken and tempToken are defined, the tempToken will be used Quickbase Documentation

# tempTokenDbid()

A Temporary Authentication Token or Temporary Table Authentication Token's Application or Table ID. Quickbase Documentation

# throttle()

The internal throttler for rate-limiting API calls

# userAgent()

Provide a custom User-Agent to help track API usage within your logs When used in the browser, this sets the X-User-Agent header instead as the browser will block any attempt to set a custom User-Agent

# userToken()

A Quickbase User Token. If both a userToken and tempToken are defined, the tempToken will be used Quickbase Documentation

# version()

Quickbase API Version Default is v1

# ...body(options, options.assignToken, options.variables[].name, options.variables[].value, options.name, options.securityProperties.hideFromPublic, options.securityProperties.mustBeRealmApproved, options.securityProperties.allowClone, options.securityProperties.useIPFilter, options.securityProperties.allowExport, options.securityProperties.enableAppTokens, options.description, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Create an app Creates an application in an account. You must have application creation rights in the respective account. Main properties and application variables can be set with this API. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Create an app method options object
options.assignToken Set to true if you would like to assign the app to the user token you used to create the application. The default is false.
options.variables[].name The name for the variable.
options.variables[].value The value for the variable.
options.name The app name. You are allowed to create multiple apps with the same name, in the same realm, because they will have different dbid values. We urge you to be careful about doing this.
options.securityProperties.hideFromPublic Hide from public application searches
options.securityProperties.mustBeRealmApproved Only "approved" users may access this application
options.securityProperties.allowClone Allow users who are not administrators to copy
options.securityProperties.useIPFilter Only users logging in from "approved" IP addresses may access this application
options.securityProperties.allowExport Allow users who are not administrators to export data
options.securityProperties.enableAppTokens Require Application Tokens
options.description The description for the app. If this property is left out, the app description will be blank.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.appId, options.variables[].name, options.variables[].value, options.name, options.securityProperties.hideFromPublic, options.securityProperties.mustBeRealmApproved, options.securityProperties.allowClone, options.securityProperties.useIPFilter, options.securityProperties.allowExport, options.securityProperties.enableAppTokens, options.description, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Update an app Updates the main properties and/or application variables for a specific application. Any properties of the app that you do not specify in the request body will remain unchanged. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Update an app method options object
options.appId The unique identifier of an app
options.variables[].name The name for the variable.
options.variables[].value The value for the variable.
options.name The name for the app.
options.securityProperties.hideFromPublic Hide from public application searches
options.securityProperties.mustBeRealmApproved Only "approved" users may access this application
options.securityProperties.allowClone Allow users who are not administrators to copy
options.securityProperties.useIPFilter Only users logging in from "approved" IP addresses may access this application
options.securityProperties.allowExport Allow users who are not administrators to export data
options.securityProperties.enableAppTokens Require Application Tokens
options.description The description for the app.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.appId, options.name, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Delete an app Deletes an entire application, including all of the tables and data. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Delete an app method options object
options.appId The unique identifier of an app
options.name To confirm application deletion we ask for application name.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.appId, options.name, options.description, options.properties.assignUserToken, options.properties.excludeFiles, options.properties.keepData, options.properties.usersAndRoles, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Copy an app Copies the specified application. The new application will have the same schema as the original. See below for additional copy options. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Copy an app method options object
options.appId The unique identifier of an app
options.name The name of the newly copied app
options.description The description of the newly copied app
options.properties.assignUserToken Whether to add the user token used to make this request to the new app
options.properties.excludeFiles If keepData is true, whether to copy the file attachments as well. If keepData is false, this property is ignored
options.properties.keepData Whether to copy the app's data along with the schema
options.properties.usersAndRoles If true, users will be copied along with their assigned roles. If false, users and roles will be copied but roles will not be assigned
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.appId, options.name, options.pluralRecordName, options.singleRecordName, options.description, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Create a table Creates a table in an application. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Create a table method options object
options.appId The unique identifier of an app
options.name The name for the table.
options.pluralRecordName The plural noun for records in the table. If this value is not passed the default value is 'Records'.
options.singleRecordName The singular noun for records in the table. If this value is not passed the default value is 'Record'.
options.description The description for the table. If this value is not passed the default value is blank.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.tableId, options.appId, options.name, options.pluralRecordName, options.singleRecordName, options.description, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Update a table Updates the main properties of a specific table. Any properties of the table that you do not specify in the request body will remain unchanged. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Update a table method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.
options.appId The unique identifier of an app
options.name The name for the table.
options.pluralRecordName The plural noun for records in the table. If this value is not passed the default value is 'Records'.
options.singleRecordName The singular noun for records in the table. If this value is not passed the default value is 'Record'.
options.description The description for the table. If this value is not passed the default value is blank.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.childTableId, options.summaryFields[].summaryFid, options.summaryFields[].label, options.summaryFields[].accumulationType, options.summaryFields[].where, options.lookupFieldIds, options.parentTableId, options.foreignKeyField.label, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Create a relationship Creates a relationship in a table as well as lookup/summary fields. Relationships can only be created for tables within the same app. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Create a relationship method options object
options.childTableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table. This will be the child table.
options.summaryFields[].summaryFid The field id to summarize.
options.summaryFields[].label The label for the summary field.
options.summaryFields[].accumulationType The accumulation type for the summary field.
options.summaryFields[].where The filter, using the Quickbase query language, which determines the records to return.
options.lookupFieldIds Array of field ids in the parent table that will become lookup fields in the child table.
options.parentTableId The parent table id for the relationship.
options.foreignKeyField.label The label for the foreign key field.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.childTableId, options.relationshipId, options.summaryFields[].summaryFid, options.summaryFields[].label, options.summaryFields[].accumulationType, options.summaryFields[].where, options.lookupFieldIds, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Update a relationship Use this endpoint to add lookup fields and summary fields to an existing relationship. Updating a relationship will not delete existing lookup/summary fields. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Update a relationship method options object
options.childTableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table. This will be the child table.
options.relationshipId The relationship id. This is the field id of the reference field on the child table.
options.summaryFields[].summaryFid The field id to summarize.
options.summaryFields[].label The label for the summary field.
options.summaryFields[].accumulationType The accumulation type for the summary field.
options.summaryFields[].where The filter, using the Quickbase query language, which determines the records to return.
options.lookupFieldIds An array of field ids on the parent table that will become lookup fields on the child table.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.tableId, options.audited, options.fieldHelp, options.bold, options.properties.comments, options.properties.doesTotal, options.properties.autoSave, options.properties.defaultValueLuid, options.properties.useI18NFormat, options.properties.maxVersions, options.properties.format, options.properties.carryChoices, options.properties.maxLength, options.properties.linkText, options.properties.parentFieldId, options.properties.displayTimezone, options.properties.allowNewChoices, options.properties.defaultToday, options.properties.units, options.properties.openTargetIn, options.properties.sourceFieldId, options.properties.doesAverage, options.properties.formula, options.properties.decimalPlaces, options.properties.defaultCountryCode, options.properties.displayMonth, options.properties.seeVersions, options.properties.numLines, options.properties.defaultKind, options.properties.displayEmail, options.properties.coverText, options.properties.currencySymbol, options.properties.targetFieldId, options.properties.displayUser, options.properties.blankIsZero, options.properties.exact, options.properties.defaultDomain, options.properties.defaultValue, options.properties.abbreviate, options.properties.numberFormat, options.properties.targetTableName, options.properties.appearsAs, options.properties.width, options.properties.currencyFormat, options.properties.displayDayOfWeek, options.properties.commaStart, options.properties.choices, options.properties.targetTableId, options.properties.displayRelative, options.properties.compositeFields, options.properties.displayCheckboxAsText, options.properties.displayTime, options.properties.versionMode, options.properties.snapFieldId, options.properties.hours24, options.properties.sortAlpha, options.properties.sortAsGiven, options.properties.hasExtension, options.properties.useNewWindow, options.properties.appendOnly, options.properties.displayAsLink, options.appearsByDefault, options.fieldType, options.permissions[].role, options.permissions[].permissionType, options.permissions[].roleId, options.addToForms, options.label, options.findEnabled, options.noWrap, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Create a field Creates a field within a table, including the custom permissions of that field. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Create a field method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier of the table.
options.audited Indicates if the field is being tracked as part of Quickbase Audit Logs. You can only set this property to "true" if the app has audit logs enabled. See Enable data change logs under Quickbase Audit Logs. Defaults to false.
options.fieldHelp The configured help text shown to users within the product.
options.bold Indicates if the field is configured to display in bold in the product. Defaults to false.
options.properties.comments The comments entered on the field properties by an administrator.
options.properties.doesTotal Whether this field totals in reports within the product.
options.properties.autoSave Whether the link field will auto save.
options.properties.defaultValueLuid Default user id value.
options.properties.useI18NFormat Whether phone numbers should be in E.164 standard international format
options.properties.maxVersions The maximum number of versions configured for a file attachment.
options.properties.format The format to display time.
options.properties.carryChoices Whether the field should carry its multiple choice fields when copied.
options.properties.maxLength The maximum number of characters allowed for entry in Quickbase for this field.
options.properties.linkText The configured text value that replaces the URL that users see within the product.
options.properties.parentFieldId The id of the parent composite field, when applicable.
options.properties.displayTimezone Indicates whether to display the timezone within the product.
options.properties.allowNewChoices Indicates if users can add new choices to a selection list.
options.properties.defaultToday Indicates if the field value is defaulted today for new records.
options.properties.units The units label.
options.properties.openTargetIn Indicates which target the URL should open in when a user clicks it within the product.
options.properties.sourceFieldId The id of the source field.
options.properties.doesAverage Whether this field averages in reports within the product.
options.properties.formula The formula of the field as configured in Quickbase.
options.properties.decimalPlaces The number of decimal places displayed in the product for this field.
options.properties.defaultCountryCode Controls the default country shown on international phone widgets on forms. Country code should be entered in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
options.properties.displayMonth How to display months.
options.properties.seeVersions Indicates if the user can see other versions, aside from the most recent, of a file attachment within the product.
options.properties.numLines The number of lines shown in Quickbase for this text field.
options.properties.defaultKind The user default type.
options.properties.displayEmail How the email is displayed.
options.properties.coverText An alternate user friendly text that can be used to display a link in the browser.
options.properties.currencySymbol The current symbol used when displaying field values within the product.
options.properties.targetFieldId The id of the target field.
options.properties.displayUser The configured option for how users display within the product.
options.properties.blankIsZero Whether a blank value is treated the same as 0 in calculations within the product.
options.properties.exact Whether an exact match is required for a report link.
options.properties.defaultDomain Default email domain.
options.properties.defaultValue The default value configured for a field when a new record is added.
options.properties.abbreviate Don't show the URL protocol when showing the URL.
options.properties.numberFormat The format used for displaying numeric values in the product (decimal, separators, digit group).
options.properties.targetTableName The field's target table name.
options.properties.appearsAs The link text, if empty, the url will be used as link text.
options.properties.width The field's html input width in the product.
options.properties.currencyFormat The currency format used when displaying field values within the product.
options.properties.displayDayOfWeek Indicates whether to display the day of the week within the product.
options.properties.commaStart The number of digits before commas display in the product, when applicable.
options.properties.choices An array of entries that exist for a field that offers choices to the user. Note that these choices refer to the valid values of any records added in the future. You are allowed to remove values from the list of choices even if there are existing records with those values in this field. They will be displayed in red when users look at the data in the browser but there is no other effect. While updating a field with this property, the old choices are removed and replaced by the new choices.
options.properties.targetTableId The id of the target table.
options.properties.displayRelative Whether to display time as relative.
options.properties.compositeFields An array of the fields that make up a composite field (e.g., address).
options.properties.displayCheckboxAsText Indicates whether the checkbox values will be shown as text in reports.
options.properties.displayTime Indicates whether to display the time, in addition to the date.
options.properties.versionMode Version modes for files. Keep all versions vs keep last version.
options.properties.snapFieldId The id of the field that is used to snapshot values from, when applicable.
options.properties.hours24 Indicates whether or not to display time in the 24-hour format within the product.
options.properties.sortAlpha Whether to sort alphabetically, default sort is by record ID.
options.properties.sortAsGiven Indicates if the listed entries sort as entered vs alphabetically.
options.properties.hasExtension Whether this field has a phone extension.
options.properties.useNewWindow Indicates if the file should open a new window when a user clicks it within the product.
options.properties.appendOnly Whether this field is append only.
options.properties.displayAsLink Indicates if a field that is part of the relationship should be shown as a hyperlink to the parent record within the product.
options.appearsByDefault Indicates if the field is marked as a default in reports. Defaults to true.
options.fieldType The field types, click on any of the field type links for more info.
options.permissions[].role The role associated with a given permission for the field
options.permissions[].permissionType The permission given to the role for this field
options.permissions[].roleId The Id of the given role
options.addToForms Whether the field you are adding should appear on forms. Defaults to false.
options.label The label (name) of the field.
options.findEnabled Indicates if the field is marked as searchable. Defaults to true.
options.noWrap Indicates if the field is configured to not wrap when displayed in the product. Defaults to false.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.tableId, options.fieldIds, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Delete field(s) Deletes one or many fields in a table, based on field id. This will also permanently delete any data or calculations in that field. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Delete field(s) method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier of the table.
options.fieldIds List of field ids to be deleted.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.fieldId, options.tableId, options.audited, options.fieldHelp, options.bold, options.required, options.properties.comments, options.properties.doesTotal, options.properties.autoSave, options.properties.defaultValueLuid, options.properties.useI18NFormat, options.properties.maxVersions, options.properties.format, options.properties.carryChoices, options.properties.maxLength, options.properties.linkText, options.properties.parentFieldId, options.properties.displayTimezone, options.properties.summaryTargetFieldId, options.properties.allowNewChoices, options.properties.defaultToday, options.properties.units, options.properties.openTargetIn, options.properties.lookupTargetFieldId, options.properties.summaryFunction, options.properties.sourceFieldId, options.properties.doesAverage, options.properties.formula, options.properties.decimalPlaces, options.properties.defaultCountryCode, options.properties.displayMonth, options.properties.seeVersions, options.properties.numLines, options.properties.defaultKind, options.properties.displayEmail, options.properties.coverText, options.properties.currencySymbol, options.properties.summaryQuery, options.properties.targetFieldId, options.properties.displayUser, options.properties.blankIsZero, options.properties.exact, options.properties.defaultDomain, options.properties.defaultValue, options.properties.abbreviate, options.properties.numberFormat, options.properties.targetTableName, options.properties.appearsAs, options.properties.width, options.properties.currencyFormat, options.properties.displayDayOfWeek, options.properties.summaryReferenceFieldId, options.properties.commaStart, options.properties.choices, options.properties.targetTableId, options.properties.displayRelative, options.properties.compositeFields, options.properties.displayCheckboxAsText, options.properties.summaryTableId, options.properties.displayTime, options.properties.versionMode, options.properties.snapFieldId, options.properties.hours24, options.properties.sortAlpha, options.properties.sortAsGiven, options.properties.hasExtension, options.properties.useNewWindow, options.properties.appendOnly, options.properties.displayAsLink, options.properties.lookupReferenceFieldId, options.appearsByDefault, options.unique, options.permissions[].role, options.permissions[].permissionType, options.permissions[].roleId, options.addToForms, options.label, options.findEnabled, options.noWrap, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Update a field Updates the properties and custom permissions of a field. The attempt to update certain properties might cause existing data to no longer obey the field’s new properties and may be rejected. See the descriptions of required, unique, and choices, below, for specific situations. Any properties of the field that you do not specify in the request body will remain unchanged. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Update a field method options object
options.fieldId The unique identifier (fid) of the field.
options.tableId The unique identifier of the table.
options.audited Indicates if the field is being tracked as part of Quickbase Audit Logs. You can only set this property to "true" if the app has audit logs enabled. See Enable data change logs under Quickbase Audit Logs.
options.fieldHelp The configured help text shown to users within the product.
options.bold Indicates if the field is configured to display in bold in the product.
options.required Indicates if the field is required (i.e. if every record must have a non-null value in this field). If you attempt to change a field from not-required to required, and the table currently contains records that have null values in that field, you will get an error indicating that there are null values of the field. In this case you need to find and update those records with null values of the field before changing the field to required.
options.properties.comments The comments entered on the field properties by an administrator.
options.properties.doesTotal Whether this field totals in reports within the product.
options.properties.autoSave Whether the link field will auto save.
options.properties.defaultValueLuid Default user id value.
options.properties.useI18NFormat Whether phone numbers should be in E.164 standard international format
options.properties.maxVersions The maximum number of versions configured for a file attachment.
options.properties.format The format to display time.
options.properties.carryChoices Whether the field should carry its multiple choice fields when copied.
options.properties.maxLength The maximum number of characters allowed for entry in Quickbase for this field.
options.properties.linkText The configured text value that replaces the URL that users see within the product.
options.properties.parentFieldId The id of the parent composite field, when applicable.
options.properties.displayTimezone Indicates whether to display the timezone within the product.
options.properties.summaryTargetFieldId The id of the field that is used to aggregate values from the child, when applicable. This displays 0 if the summary function doesn’t require a field selection (like count).
options.properties.allowNewChoices Indicates if users can add new choices to a selection list.
options.properties.defaultToday Indicates if the field value is defaulted today for new records.
options.properties.units The units label.
options.properties.openTargetIn Indicates which target the URL should open in when a user clicks it within the product.
options.properties.lookupTargetFieldId The id of the field that is the target on the parent table for this lookup.
options.properties.summaryFunction The accumulation type for the summary field.
options.properties.sourceFieldId The id of the source field.
options.properties.doesAverage Whether this field averages in reports within the product.
options.properties.formula The formula of the field as configured in Quickbase.
options.properties.decimalPlaces The number of decimal places displayed in the product for this field.
options.properties.defaultCountryCode Controls the default country shown on international phone widgets on forms. Country code should be entered in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
options.properties.displayMonth How to display months.
options.properties.seeVersions Indicates if the user can see other versions, aside from the most recent, of a file attachment within the product.
options.properties.numLines The number of lines shown in Quickbase for this text field.
options.properties.defaultKind The user default type.
options.properties.displayEmail How the email is displayed.
options.properties.coverText An alternate user friendly text that can be used to display a link in the browser.
options.properties.currencySymbol The current symbol used when displaying field values within the product.
options.properties.summaryQuery The summary query.
options.properties.targetFieldId The id of the target field.
options.properties.displayUser The configured option for how users display within the product.
options.properties.blankIsZero Whether a blank value is treated the same as 0 in calculations within the product.
options.properties.exact Whether an exact match is required for a report link.
options.properties.defaultDomain Default email domain.
options.properties.defaultValue The default value configured for a field when a new record is added.
options.properties.abbreviate Don't show the URL protocol when showing the URL.
options.properties.numberFormat The format used for displaying numeric values in the product (decimal, separators, digit group).
options.properties.targetTableName The field's target table name.
options.properties.appearsAs The link text, if empty, the url will be used as link text.
options.properties.width The field's html input width in the product.
options.properties.currencyFormat The currency format used when displaying field values within the product.
options.properties.displayDayOfWeek Indicates whether to display the day of the week within the product.
options.properties.summaryReferenceFieldId The id of the field that is the reference in the relationship for this summary.
options.properties.commaStart The number of digits before commas display in the product, when applicable.
options.properties.choices An array of entries that exist for a field that offers choices to the user. Note that these choices refer to the valid values of any records added in the future. You are allowed to remove values from the list of choices even if there are existing records with those values in this field. They will be displayed in red when users look at the data in the browser but there is no other effect. While updating a field with this property, the old choices are removed and replaced by the new choices.
options.properties.targetTableId The id of the target table.
options.properties.displayRelative Whether to display time as relative.
options.properties.compositeFields An array of the fields that make up a composite field (e.g., address).
options.properties.displayCheckboxAsText Indicates whether the checkbox values will be shown as text in reports.
options.properties.summaryTableId The table the summary field references fields from.
options.properties.displayTime Indicates whether to display the time, in addition to the date.
options.properties.versionMode Version modes for files. Keep all versions vs keep last version.
options.properties.snapFieldId The id of the field that is used to snapshot values from, when applicable.
options.properties.hours24 Indicates whether or not to display time in the 24-hour format within the product.
options.properties.sortAlpha Whether to sort alphabetically, default sort is by record ID.
options.properties.sortAsGiven Indicates if the listed entries sort as entered vs alphabetically.
options.properties.hasExtension Whether this field has a phone extension.
options.properties.useNewWindow Indicates if the file should open a new window when a user clicks it within the product.
options.properties.appendOnly Whether this field is append only.
options.properties.displayAsLink Indicates if a field that is part of the relationship should be shown as a hyperlink to the parent record within the product.
options.properties.lookupReferenceFieldId The id of the field that is the reference in the relationship for this lookup.
options.appearsByDefault Indicates if the field is marked as a default in reports.
options.unique Indicates if every record in the table must contain a unique value of this field. If you attempt to change a field from not-unique to unique, and the table currently contains records with the same value of this field, you will get an error. In this case you need to find and update those records with duplicate values of the field before changing the field to unique.
options.permissions[].role The role associated with a given permission for the field
options.permissions[].permissionType The permission given to the role for this field
options.permissions[].roleId The Id of the given role
options.addToForms Whether the field you are adding should appear on forms.
options.label The label (name) of the field.
options.findEnabled Indicates if the field is marked as searchable.
options.noWrap Indicates if the field is configured to not wrap when displayed in the product.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.formula, options.rid, options.tableId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Run a formula Allows running a formula via an API call. Use this method in custom code to get the value back of a formula without a discrete field on a record. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Run a formula method options object
options.formula The formula to run. This must be a valid Quickbase formula.
options.rid The record ID to run the formula against. Only necessary for formulas that are run in the context of a record. For example, the formula User() does not need a record ID.
options.tableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.tableId, options.data, options.mergeFieldId, options.fieldsToReturn, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Insert/Update record(s) Insert and/or update record(s) in a table. In this single API call, inserts and updates can be submitted. Update can use the key field on the table, or any other supported unique field. Refer to the Field types page for more information about how each field type should be formatted. This operation allows for incremental processing of successful records, even when some of the records fail. Note: This endpoint supports a maximum payload size of 25MB. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Insert/Update record(s) method options object
options.tableId The table identifier.
options.data Record data array, where each record contains key-value mappings of fields to be defined/updated and their values.
options.mergeFieldId The merge field id.
options.fieldsToReturn Specify an array of field ids that will return data for any updates or added record. Record ID (FID 3) is always returned if any field ID is requested.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.tableId, options.where, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Delete record(s) Deletes record(s) in a table based on a query. Alternatively, all records in the table can be deleted. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Delete record(s) method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier of the table.
options.where The filter to delete records. To delete all records specify a filter that will include all records, for example {3.GT.0} where 3 is the ID of the Record ID field.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.options.skip, options.options.compareWithAppLocalTime, options.options.top, options.where, options.groupBy[].fieldId, options.groupBy[].grouping, options.sortBy[].fieldId, options.sortBy[].order, options.select, options.tableId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Query for data Pass in a query in the Quickbase query language. Returns record data with intelligent pagination based on the approximate size of each record. The metadata object will include the necessary information to iterate over the response and gather more data. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Query for data method options object
options.options.skip The number of records to skip.
options.options.compareWithAppLocalTime Whether to run the query against a date time field with respect to the application's local time. The query is run with UTC time by default.
options.options.top The maximum number of records to display.
options.where The filter, using the Quickbase query language, which determines the records to return. If this parameter is omitted, the query will return all records.
options.groupBy[].fieldId The unique identifier of a field in a table.
options.groupBy[].grouping Group by based on equal values (equal-values)
options.sortBy[].fieldId The unique identifier of a field in a table.
options.sortBy[].order Sort based on ascending order (ASC), descending order (DESC) or equal values (equal-values)
options.select An array of field ids for the fields that should be returned in the response. If empty, the default columns on the table will be returned.
options.tableId The table identifier.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.grant_type, options.requested_token_type, options.subject_token, options.subject_token_type, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Exchange an SSO token Use this endpoint to exchange a SAML assertion for a Quickbase token following RFC 8693. Callers can choose to return a token compatible with SCIM, XML, or RESTful APIs. The token duration is determined by the SAML timeout session time. You must be able to create a SAML assertion in your code to use this endpoint. The SAML assertion is verified against the configuration on the realm. Learn more about about SAML assertions. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Exchange an SSO token method options object
options.grant_type The value urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange indicates that a token exchange is being performed.
options.requested_token_type An identifier for the type of the requested security token. For the RESTful API, use urn:quickbase:params:oauth:token-type:temp_token. For the XML or SCIM APIs use urn:quickbase:params:oauth:token-type:temp_ticket.
options.subject_token A security token that represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the request is being made. For SAML 2.0, the value should be a base64url-encoded SAML 2.0 assertion.
options.subject_token_type An identifier that indicates the type of the security token in the subject_token parameter.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.name, options.description, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Clone a user token Clones the authenticated user token. All applications associated with that token are automatically associated with the new token. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Clone a user token method options object
options.name The new name for the cloned user token.
options.description The description for the cloned user token.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.accountId, options.emails, options.appIds, options.nextPageToken, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get users Get all users in an account or narrowed down list of users filtered by email(s). The returned users may be paginated depending on the user count. The count of the returned users may vary. When nextPageToken value in the response is not empty, that indicates that there are more results to be returned, you can use this value to get the next result set ('page'). Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get users method options object
options.accountId The account id being used to get users. If no value is specified, the first account associated with the requesting user token is chosen.
options.emails When provided, the returned users will be narrowed down only to the users included in this list.
options.appIds When provided, the returned users will be narrowed down only to the users assigned to the app id's provided in this list. The provided app id's should belong to the same account.
options.nextPageToken Next page token used to get the next 'page' of results when available. When this field is empty, the first page is returned.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ...body(options, options.nextToken, options.numRows, options.queryId, options.date, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get audit logs Gathers the audit logs for a single day from a realm. By default, this API returns 10,000 entries. This can be changed with the numRows parameter. Integrators can iterate through batches to get an entire day's worth of logs. Each realm has a maximum entitlement of querying 1,000 days per year (allowing lookbacks for up to two years). Requests for paginated data do not count towards the annual limit. Transactional rate limits are 10 per 10 seconds. Note: This API is available for enterprise users only. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get audit logs method options object
options.nextToken Token specifying start of page. For first page don't supply this.
options.numRows Number of logs to return per page, default is 10000, minimum is 1000, max is 50000.
options.queryId The query id of an audit log request. This id is needed to fetch subsequent paged results of a single query.
options.date The date for which audit logs need to be fetched. This must be date-time only, as YYYY-MM-DD, and a valid date in the past.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# _id()

The internal numerical id for API calls. Increments by 1 with each request.

# abbreviate()

Don't show the URL protocol when showing the URL.

# accumulationType()

The accumulation type for the summary field.

# accumulationType()

The accumulation type for the summary field.

# alias()

The automatically-created table alias for the table.

# alias()

The automatically-created table alias for the table.

# alias()

The automatically-created table alias for the table.

# alias()

The automatically-created table alias for the table.

# allowClone()

Allow users who are not administrators to copy

# allowClone()

Allow users who are not administrators to copy

# allowClone()

Allow users who are not administrators to copy

# allowClone()

Allow users who are not administrators to copy

# allowClone()

Allow users who are not administrators to copy

# allowExport()

Allow users who are not administrators to export data

# allowExport()

Allow users who are not administrators to export data

# allowExport()

Allow users who are not administrators to export data

# allowExport()

Allow users who are not administrators to export data

# allowExport()

Allow users who are not administrators to export data

# allowHTML()

Whether this field allows html.

# allowNewChoices()

Indicates if users can add new choices to a selection list.

# allowNewChoices()

Indicates if users can add new choices to a selection list.

# ancestorId()

The id of the app from which this app was copied

# appearsAs()

The link text, if empty, the url will be used as link text.

# appendOnly()

Whether this field is append only.

# appId()

The unique identifier of an app

# appId()

The unique identifier of an app

# appId()

The unique identifier of an app

# appId()

The unique identifier of an app

# appId()

The unique identifier of an app

# appId()

The unique identifier of an app

# appId()

The unique identifier of an app

# appId()

The unique identifier of an app

# appId()

The unique identifier of an app

# appId()

The unique identifier of an app

# appIds()

When provided, the returned users will be narrowed down only to the users assigned to the app id's provided in this list. The provided app id's should belong to the same account.

# appToken()

A Quickbase Application Token Only required when using Temporary Tokens Quickbase Documentation

# assignUserToken()

Whether to add the user token used to make this request to the new app

# autoRenewTempTokens()

Automatically renew Temporary Tokens after they expire Default is true

# autoSave()

Whether the link field will auto save.

# autoSave()

Whether the link field will auto save.

# blankIsZero()

Whether a blank value is treated the same as 0 in calculations within the product.

# carryChoices()

Whether the field should carry its multiple choice fields when copied.

# carryChoices()

Whether the field should carry its multiple choice fields when copied.

# childTableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the child table.

# childTableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table. This will be the child table.

# childTableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table. This will be the child table.

# childTableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table. This will be the child table.

# childTableId()

The child table id of the relationship.

# childTableId()

The child table id of the relationship.

# childTableId()

The child table id of the relationship.

# choices()

An array of entries that exist for a field that offers choices to the user.

# choicesLuid()

List of user choices.

# comments()

The comments entered on the field properties by an administrator.

# comments()

The comments entered on the field properties by an administrator.

# compositeFields()

An array of the fields that make up a composite field (e.g., address).

# connectionLimit()

The maximum number of open, pending API connections to Quickbase Default is 10

# connectionLimitPeriod()

The period length, in milliseconds, of connection limit Default is 1000

# constructor(code, message, description, rayId)

Extends the native JavaScript Error object for use with Quickbase API errors Example: typescript const qbErr = new QuickBaseError(403, 'Access Denied', 'User token is invalid', 'xxxx');


Name Types Description
code Error code
message Error message
description Error description
rayId Quickbase API Ray ID

# coverText()

An alternate user friendly text that can be used to display a link in the browser.

# created()

The time and date the app was created, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# created()

The time and date the app was created, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# created()

The time and date the app was created, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# created()

The time and date the app was created, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# created()

The time and date when the table was created, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# created()

The time and date when the table was created, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# created()

The time and date when the table was created, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# created()

The time and date when the table was created, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# currencyFormat()

The currency format used when displaying field values within the product.

# currencySymbol()

The current symbol used when displaying field values within the product.

# data()

An array of objects that either represents the record data or summarized values, depending on the report type.

# date()

The date for which audit logs need to be fetched. This must be date-time only, as YYYY-MM-DD, and a valid date in the past.

# dateFormat()

A description of the format used when displaying date values in this app. Note that this is a browser-only parameter - see the Field type details page in the API Guide for how time values are returned in API calls. See About Localizing Dates to set the app’s date format.

# dateFormat()

A description of the format used when displaying date values in this app. Note that this is a browser-only parameter - see the Field type details page in the API Guide for how time values are returned in API calls. See About Localizing Dates to set the app’s date format.

# dateFormat()

A description of the format used when displaying date values in this app. Note that this is a browser-only parameter - see the Field type details page in the API Guide for how time values are returned in API calls. See About Localizing Dates to set the app’s date format.

# dateFormat()

A description of the format used when displaying date values in this app. Note that this is a browser-only parameter - see the Field type details page in the API Guide for how time values are returned in API calls. See About Localizing Dates to set the app’s date format.

# dbid()

The unique identifier of an app or table.

# decimalPlaces()

The number of decimal places displayed in the product for this field.

# decimalPrecision()

For numeric formula the number precision.

# decimalPrecision()

For numeric formula the number precision.

# defaultCountryCode()

Controls the default country shown on international phone widgets on forms. Country code should be entered in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.

# defaultDomain()

Default email domain.

# defaultKind()

The user default type.

# defaultSortFieldId()

The id of the field that is configured for default sorting.

# defaultSortFieldId()

The id of the field that is configured for default sorting.

# defaultSortFieldId()

The id of the field that is configured for default sorting.

# defaultSortFieldId()

The id of the field that is configured for default sorting.

# defaultSortOrder()

The configuration of the default sort order on the table.

# defaultSortOrder()

The configuration of the default sort order on the table.

# defaultSortOrder()

The configuration of the default sort order on the table.

# defaultSortOrder()

The configuration of the default sort order on the table.

# defaultToday()

Indicates if the field value is defaulted today for new records.

# defaultValue()

The default value configured for a field when a new record is added.

# defaultValueLuid()

Default user id value.

# defaultValueLuid()

Default user id value.

# deletedAppId()

An ID of deleted application.

# deletedTableId()

The deleted table id.

# description()

The description for the cloned user token.

# description()

The description for the app. If this property is left out, the app description will be blank.

# description()

The description for the app. If this property is left out, the app description will be blank.

# description()

The description for the app. If this property is left out, the app description will be blank.

# description()

The description for the app

# description()

The description of the table, as configured by an application administrator.

# description()

The description of the table, as configured by an application administrator.

# description()

The description of the table, as configured by an application administrator.

# description()

The description of the table, as configured by an application administrator.

# description()

The configured description of a report.

# description()

The configured description of a report.

# displayDayOfWeek()

Indicates whether to display the day of the week within the product.

# displayEmail()

How the email is displayed.

# displayMonth()

How to display months.

# displayRelative()

Whether to display time as relative.

# displayTime()

Indicates whether to display the time, in addition to the date.

# displayTimezone()

Indicates whether to display the timezone within the product.

# displayTimezone()

Indicates whether to display the timezone within the product.

# displayUser()

The configured option for how users display within the product.

# doesAverage()

Whether this field averages in reports within the product.

# doesTotal()

Whether this field totals in reports within the product.

# doesTotal()

Whether this field totals in reports within the product.

# durationField()

The duration field id.

# e(dbid, tempToken)

Set the internally stored tempToken for use in subsequent API calls Example: typescript qb.setTempToken('xxxx.xxx[...]xxx', 'xxxxxxxxx');


Name Types Description
dbid Quickbase Application ID or Table ID
tempToken Temporary Quickbase Authentication Token

# e(obj)

Test if a variable is a quickbase object


Name Types Description
obj A variable you'd like to test

# e()

An identifier for the type of the requested security token. For the RESTful API, use urn:quickbase:params:oauth:token-type:temp_token. For the XML or SCIM APIs use urn:quickbase:params:oauth:token-type:temp_ticket.

# eErrorJSON()

Serialize the QuickBaseError instance into JSON

# eErrorJSON(json)

Rebuild the QuickBaseError instance from serialized JSON


Name Types Description
json Serialized QuickBaseError class options

# eErrorJSON(json)

Create a new QuickBase instance from serialized JSON


Name Types Description
json Serialized QuickBaseError class options

# email()

User email.

# emails()

When provided, the returned users will be narrowed down only to the users included in this list.

# enableAppTokens()

Require Application Tokens

# enableAppTokens()

Require Application Tokens

# enableAppTokens()

Require Application Tokens

# enableAppTokens()

Require Application Tokens

# enableAppTokens()

Require Application Tokens

# eOptions()

The default settings of a QuickBase instance

# eOptions()

The QuickBase instance settings

# eOptions(json)

Rebuild the QuickBase instance from serialized JSON


Name Types Description
json QuickBase class options

# eOptions()

Serialize the QuickBase instance into JSON

# eOptions(json)

Create a new QuickBase instance from serialized JSON


Name Types Description
json QuickBase class options

# errorOnConnectionLimit()

Throw an error if the connection limit is exceeded Default is false

# EveryoneOnTheInternet()

Indicates whether app includes Everyone On The Internet access. See Sharing apps with Everyone on the Internet (EOTI).

# EveryoneOnTheInternet()

Indicates whether app includes Everyone On The Internet access. See Sharing apps with Everyone on the Internet (EOTI).

# EveryoneOnTheInternet()

Indicates whether app includes Everyone On The Internet access. See Sharing apps with Everyone on the Internet (EOTI).

# EveryoneOnTheInternet()

Indicates whether app includes Everyone On The Internet access. See Sharing apps with Everyone on the Internet (EOTI).

# exact()

Whether an exact match is required for a report link.

# excludeFiles()

If keepData is true, whether to copy the file attachments as well. If keepData is false, this property is ignored

# Extension()

Whether this field has a phone extension.

# Extension()

Whether this field has a phone extension.

# Extension()

Whether this field has a phone extension.

# fieldId()

The unique identifier (fid) of the field.

# fieldId()

The unique identifier (fid) of the field.

# fieldId()

The unique identifier (fid) of the field.

# fieldId()

The unique identifier of a field in a table.

# fieldId()

The unique identifier of a field in a table.

# fieldId()

The unique identifier of the field.

# fieldId()

The unique identifier of the field.

# fieldId()

Field ID to sort by

# fieldId()

Field ID to group by

# fieldIds()

List of field ids to be deleted.

# fields()

An array of field ids used in the report

# fields()

An array of objects that contains limited meta-data of each field displayed in the report. This assists in building logic that depends on field types and IDs.

# fieldType()

The field types, click on any of the field type links for more info.

# fieldType()

Resulting formula value type.

# fieldType()

Resulting formula value type.

# filter()

Filter used to query for data.

# filter()

Filter used to query for data.

# foreignKey()

Indicates if the field is a foreign key (or reference field) in a relationship.

# foreignKeyField()

The foreign key field information.

# format()

The format to display time.

# format()

The format to display time.

# formula()

The formula to run. This must be a valid Quickbase formula.

# formula()

Formula text.

# formula()

Formula text.

# formula()

The formula of the field as configured in Quickbase.

# formulaFields()

Calculated formula fields.

# formulaFields()

Calculated formula fields.

# gid()

This is the ID of the group being modified.

# gid()

This is the ID of the group being modified.

# gid()

This is the ID of the group being modified.

# gid()

This is the ID of the group being modified.

# gid()

This is the ID of the group being modified.

# gid()

This is the ID of the group being modified.

# Given()

Indicates if the listed entries sort as entered vs alphabetically.

# Given()

Indicates if the listed entries sort as entered vs alphabetically.

# Given()

Indicates if the listed entries sort as entered vs alphabetically.

# grant_type()

The value urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange indicates that a token exchange is being performed.

# groupBy()

An array of fields used in grouping the report

# grouping()

Group by based on equal values (equal-values)

# grouping()

Function to group the field by

# hideFromPublic()

Hide from public application searches

# hideFromPublic()

Hide from public application searches

# hideFromPublic()

Hide from public application searches

# hideFromPublic()

Hide from public application searches

# hideFromPublic()

Hide from public application searches

# hours24()

Indicates whether or not to display time in the 24-hour format within the product.

# id()

The unique identifier for this application.

# id()

The unique identifier for this application.

# id()

The unique identifier for this application.

# id()

User Id.

# id()

The unique identifier for this application.

# id()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# id()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# id()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# id()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# id()

The relationship id (foreign key field id).

# id()

Field id.

# id()

Field id.

# id()

Field id.

# id()

The relationship id (foreign key field id).

# id()

Field id.

# id()

Field id.

# id()

Field id.

# id()

The relationship id (foreign key field id).

# id()

Field id.

# id()

Field id.

# id()

Field id.

# id()

The identifier of the report, unique to the table.

# id()

Formula field identifier.

# id()

The identifier of the report, unique to the table.

# id()

Formula field identifier.

# id()

Field id.

# id()

The id of the field, unique to this table.

# id()

The id of the field, unique to this table.

# isActive()

Indication of whether current event is active.

# isCrossApp()

Whether this is a cross-app relationship.

# isCrossApp()

Whether this is a cross-app relationship.

# isCrossApp()

Whether this is a cross-app relationship.

# keepData()

Whether to copy the app's data along with the schema

# keyFieldId()

The id of the field that is configured to be the key on this table, which is usually the Quickbase Record ID.

# keyFieldId()

The id of the field that is configured to be the key on this table, which is usually the Quickbase Record ID.

# keyFieldId()

The id of the field that is configured to be the key on this table, which is usually the Quickbase Record ID.

# keyFieldId()

The id of the field that is configured to be the key on this table, which is usually the Quickbase Record ID.

# label()

The label for the foreign key field.

# label()

The label (name) of the field.

# label()

Field label.

# label()

Field label.

# label()

Field label.

# label()

Field label.

# label()

Field label.

# label()

Field label.

# label()

Field label.

# label()

Field label.

# label()

Field label.

# label()

Formula field label.

# label()

Formula field label.

# label()

Field label.

# labelOverride()

Column heading label override for field in report.

# Link()

Indicates if a field that is part of the relationship should be shown as a hyperlink to the parent record within the product.

# Link()

Indicates if a field that is part of the relationship should be shown as a hyperlink to the parent record within the product.

# Link()

Indicates if a field that is part of the relationship should be shown as a hyperlink to the parent record within the product.

# linkText()

The configured text value that replaces the URL that users see within the product.

# linkText()

The configured text value that replaces the URL that users see within the product.

# lookupFields()

The lookup fields array.

# lookupReferenceFieldId()

The id of the field that is the reference in the relationship for this lookup.

# lookupTargetFieldId()

The id of the field that is the target on the master table for this lookup.

# maxLength()

The maximum number of characters allowed for entry in Quickbase for this field.

# maxLength()

The maximum number of characters allowed for entry in Quickbase for this field.

# maxVersions()

The maximum number of versions configured for a file attachment.

# maxVersions()

The maximum number of versions configured for a file attachment.

# metadata()

Additional information about the results that may be helpful. Pagination may be needed if either you specify a smaller number of results to skip than is available, or if the API automatically returns fewer results. numRecords can be compared to totalRecords to determine if further pagination is needed.

# mustBeRealmApproved()

Only "approved" users may access this application

# mustBeRealmApproved()

Only "approved" users may access this application

# mustBeRealmApproved()

Only "approved" users may access this application

# mustBeRealmApproved()

Only "approved" users may access this application

# mustBeRealmApproved()

Only "approved" users may access this application

# name()

The name for the variable.

# name()

The app name. You are allowed to create multiple apps with the same name, in the same realm, because they will have different dbid values. We urge you to be careful about doing this.

# name()

The name for the variable.

# name()

To confirm application deletion we ask for application name.

# name()

The name of the newly copied app

# name()

The name for the table.

# name()

The new name for the cloned user token.

# name()

The app name. You are allowed to create multiple apps with the same name, in the same realm, because they will have different dbid values. We urge you to be careful about doing this.

# name()

Variable name.

# name()

The app name. You are allowed to create multiple apps with the same name, in the same realm, because they will have different dbid values. We urge you to be careful about doing this.

# name()

Variable name.

# name()

The app name. You are allowed to create multiple apps with the same name, in the same realm, because they will have different dbid values. We urge you to be careful about doing this.

# name()

Variable name.

# name()

The name of the event. This property is not returned for automations.

# name()

User full name.

# name()

The app name. You are allowed to create multiple apps with the same name, in the same realm, because they will have different dbid values. We urge you to be careful about doing this.

# name()

Variable name.

# name()

The name of the table.

# name()

The name of the table.

# name()

The name of the table.

# name()

The name of the table.

# name()

The configured name of the report.

# name()

The configured name of the report.

# nextFieldId()

The incremental Field ID that will be used when the next field is created, as determined when the API call was ran.

# nextFieldId()

The incremental Field ID that will be used when the next field is created, as determined when the API call was ran.

# nextFieldId()

The incremental Field ID that will be used when the next field is created, as determined when the API call was ran.

# nextFieldId()

The incremental Field ID that will be used when the next field is created, as determined when the API call was ran.

# nextPageToken()

Next page token used to get the next 'page' of results when available. When this field is empty, the first page is returned.

# nextRecordId()

The incremental Record ID that will be used when the next record is created, as determined when the API call was ran.

# nextRecordId()

The incremental Record ID that will be used when the next record is created, as determined when the API call was ran.

# nextRecordId()

The incremental Record ID that will be used when the next record is created, as determined when the API call was ran.

# nextRecordId()

The incremental Record ID that will be used when the next record is created, as determined when the API call was ran.

# nextToken()

Token specifying start of page. For first page don't supply this.

# numberFormat()

The format used for displaying numeric values in the product (decimal, separators, digit group).

# numFields()

The number of fields in each record in the current response object

# numLines()

The number of lines shown in Quickbase for this text field.

# numRecords()

The number of records in the current response object

# numRelationships()

The number of relationships in the current response object.

# numRows()

Number of logs to return per page, default is 10000, minimum is 1000, max is 50000.

# order()

Sort based on ascending order (ASC), descending order (DESC) or equal values (equal-values)

# order()

Order to sort the field by

# owner()

The user that owns the event.

# ownerId()

Optional, showed only for personal reports. The user ID of report owner.

# ownerId()

Optional, showed only for personal reports. The user ID of report owner.

# parentFieldId()

The id of the parent composite field, when applicable.

# parentFieldId()

The id of the parent composite field, when applicable.

# parentTableId()

The parent table id for the relationship.

# parentTableId()

The parent table id of the relationship.

# parentTableId()

The parent table id of the relationship.

# parentTableId()

The parent table id of the relationship.

# permissionType()

The permission given to the role for this field

# permissionType()

The permission given to the role for this field

# permissionType()

The permission given to the role for this field

# pluralRecordName()

The builder-configured plural noun of the table.

# pluralRecordName()

The builder-configured plural noun of the table.

# pluralRecordName()

The builder-configured plural noun of the table.

# pluralRecordName()

The builder-configured plural noun of the table.

# properties()

A list of properties specific to the report type. To see a detailed description of the properties for each report type, See Report Types.

# properties()

A list of properties specific to the report type. To see a detailed description of the properties for each report type, See Report Types.

# proxy()

Allows the use of a proxy for Quickbase API requests Default is false

# query()

The query definition as configured in Quickbase that gets executed when the report is run.

# query()

The query definition as configured in Quickbase that gets executed when the report is run.

# queryId()

The query id of an audit log request. This id is needed to fetch subsequent paged results of a single query.

# realm()

Quickbase Realm. For example, if your Quickbase url is: demo.quickbase.com Your realm is: demo

# recordId()

The unique identifier of the record.

# recordId()

The unique identifier of the record.

# relationshipId()

The relationship id. This is the field id of the reference field on the child table.

# relationshipId()

The relationship id. This is the field id of the reference field on the child table.

# relationshipId()

The relationship id.

# relationships()

The relationships in a table.

# reportId()

The identifier of the report, unique to the table.

# reportId()

The identifier of the report, unique to the table.

# retryOnQuotaExceeded()

Automatically retry if the Quickbase API rate limit is exceeded Default is true

# role()

The role associated with a given permission for the field

# role()

The role associated with a given permission for the field

# role()

The role associated with a given permission for the field

# roleId()

The Id of the given role

# roleId()

The Id of the given role

# roleId()

The Id of the given role

# securityProperties()

Security properties of the application

# securityProperties()

Security properties of the application

# securityProperties()

Security properties of the application

# seeVersions()

Indicates if the user can see other versions, aside from the most recent, of a file attachment within the product.

# server()

Quickbase API Server FQDN Default is api.quickbase.com

# shouldDeleteFromGroups()

Specifies if the users should also be removed from all groups.

# sification()

The Data Classification label assigned to the application. If Data Classification is not turned on, this will not be returned. If Data Classification is turned on, but application is not labeled, we return “None". Data Classification labels can be added in the Admin Console by a Realm Administrator for Platform+ plans.

# sification()

The Data Classification label assigned to the application. If Data Classification is not turned on, this will not be returned. If Data Classification is turned on, but application is not labeled, we return “None". Data Classification labels can be added in the Admin Console by a Realm Administrator for Platform+ plans.

# sification()

The Data Classification label assigned to the application. If Data Classification is not turned on, this will not be returned. If Data Classification is turned on, but application is not labeled, we return “None". Data Classification labels can be added in the Admin Console by a Realm Administrator for Platform+ plans.

# sification()

The Data Classification label assigned to the application. If Data Classification is not turned on, this will not be returned. If Data Classification is turned on, but application is not labeled, we return “None". Data Classification labels can be added in the Admin Console by a Realm Administrator for Platform+ plans.

# singleRecordName()

The builder-configured singular noun of the table.

# singleRecordName()

The builder-configured singular noun of the table.

# singleRecordName()

The builder-configured singular noun of the table.

# singleRecordName()

The builder-configured singular noun of the table.

# sizeLimit()

The size limit for the table.

# sizeLimit()

The size limit for the table.

# sizeLimit()

The size limit for the table.

# sizeLimit()

The size limit for the table.

# skip()

The number of records to skip.

# skip()

The number of relationships to skip.

# snapFieldId()

The id of the field that is used to snapshot values from, when applicable.

# sortAlpha()

Whether to sort alphabetically, default sort is by record ID.

# sortBy()

An array of fields used in sorting the report

# sourceFieldId()

The id of the source field.

# spaceRemaining()

The amount of space remaining for use by the table.

# spaceRemaining()

The amount of space remaining for use by the table.

# spaceRemaining()

The amount of space remaining for use by the table.

# spaceRemaining()

The amount of space remaining for use by the table.

# spaceUsed()

The amount of space currently being used by the table.

# spaceUsed()

The amount of space currently being used by the table.

# spaceUsed()

The amount of space currently being used by the table.

# spaceUsed()

The amount of space currently being used by the table.

# startField()

The start field id.

# subject_token()

A security token that represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the request is being made. For SAML 2.0, the value should be a base64url-encoded SAML 2.0 assertion.

# subject_token_type()

An identifier that indicates the type of the security token in the subject_token parameter.

# summaryFields()

The summary fields array.

# summaryFunction()

The summary accumulation function type.

# summaryReferenceFieldId()

The id of the field that is the reference in the relationship for this summary.

# summaryTargetFieldId()

The id of the field that is used to aggregate values from the child, when applicable. This displays 0 if the summary function doesn’t require a field selection (like count).

# summaryTargetFieldId()

The id of the field that is used to aggregate values from the child, when applicable. This displays 0 if the summary function doesn’t require a field selection (like count).

# t()

The instant at which a report was last used.

# t()

The instant at which a report was last used.

# tableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier of table.

# tableId()

The identifier of the table for the report.

# tableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.

# tableId()

The table identifier.

# tableId()

The unique identifier of the table.

# tableId()

The table identifier.

# tableId()

The unique identifier of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier of the table.

# tableId()

The unique identifier of the table to which event belongs to.

# tableId()

The table identifier for the report.

# tableId()

The table identifier for the report.

# targetFieldId()

The id of the target field.

# targetTableId()

The id of the target table.

# targetTableName()

The field's target table name.

# tart()

The number of digits before commas display in the product, when applicable.

# tart()

The number of digits before commas display in the product, when applicable.

# tart()

The number of digits before commas display in the product, when applicable.

# tempToken()

A Temporary Authentication Token or Temporary Table Authentication Token. If both a userToken and tempToken are defined, the tempToken will be used Quickbase Documentation

# tempTokenDbid()

A Temporary Authentication Token or Temporary Table Authentication Token's Application or Table ID. Quickbase Documentation

# terChoiceFieldId()

The id of the field that is the reference in the relationship.

# terChoiceFieldId()

The id of the field that is the reference in the relationship.

# terChoiceTableId()

The id of the table that is the master in this relationship.

# terTableTag()

The table alias for the master table in the relationship this field is part of.

# Text()

Indicates whether the checkbox values will be shown as text in reports.

# Text()

Indicates whether the checkbox values will be shown as text in reports.

# Text()

Indicates whether the checkbox values will be shown as text in reports.

# throttle()

The internal throttler for rate-limiting API calls

# timeZone()

A description of the time zone used when displaying time values in this app. Note that this is a browser-only parameter - see the Field type details page in the portal for how time values are returned in API calls. See Set the Time Zone for Both the Application and the Account to set the application’s time zone.

# timeZone()

A description of the time zone used when displaying time values in this app. Note that this is a browser-only parameter - see the Field type details page in the portal for how time values are returned in API calls. See Set the Time Zone for Both the Application and the Account to set the application’s time zone.

# timeZone()

A description of the time zone used when displaying time values in this app. Note that this is a browser-only parameter - see the Field type details page in the portal for how time values are returned in API calls. See Set the Time Zone for Both the Application and the Account to set the application’s time zone.

# timeZone()

A description of the time zone used when displaying time values in this app. Note that this is a browser-only parameter - see the Field type details page in the portal for how time values are returned in API calls. See Set the Time Zone for Both the Application and the Account to set the application’s time zone.

# top()

The maximum number of records to display.

# totalRecords()

The total number of records in the result set

# totalRelationships()

The total number of relationships.

# tversions()

Version modes for files. Keep all versions vs keep last version.

# tversions()

Version modes for files. Keep all versions vs keep last version.

# tversions()

Version modes for files. Keep all versions vs keep last version.

# type()

Type of an event.

# type()

Field type.

# type()

Field type.

# type()

Field type.

# type()

Field type.

# type()

Field type.

# type()

Field type.

# type()

Field type.

# type()

Field type.

# type()

Field type.

# type()

The type of report in Quickbase (e.g., chart).

# type()

The type of report in Quickbase (e.g., chart).

# type()

Field type.

# units()

The units label.

# updated()

The time and date the app was last updated, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# updated()

The time and date the app was last updated, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# updated()

The time and date the app was last updated, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# updated()

The time and date the app was last updated, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# updated()

The time and date when the table schema or data was last updated, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# updated()

The time and date when the table schema or data was last updated, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# updated()

The time and date when the table schema or data was last updated, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# updated()

The time and date when the table schema or data was last updated, in the ISO 8601 time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (in UTC time zone).

# url()

The url to automation that can be accessed from the browser. Only returned for automations.

# usedCount()

The number of times a report has been used.

# usedCount()

The number of times a report has been used.

# useI18NFormat()

Whether phone numbers should be in E.164 standard international format.

# useI18NFormat()

Whether phone numbers should be in E.164 standard international format.

# useIPFilter()

Only users logging in from "approved" IP addresses may access this application

# useIPFilter()

Only users logging in from "approved" IP addresses may access this application

# useIPFilter()

Only users logging in from "approved" IP addresses may access this application

# useIPFilter()

Only users logging in from "approved" IP addresses may access this application

# useIPFilter()

Only users logging in from "approved" IP addresses may access this application

# useNewWindow()

Indicates if the URL should open a new window when a user clicks it within the product.

# userAgent()

Provide a custom User-Agent to help track API usage within your logs When used in the browser, this sets the X-User-Agent header instead as the browser will block any attempt to set a custom User-Agent

# userName()

User Name as updated in user properties. Optional, appears if not the same as user email.

# usersAndRoles()

If true, users will be copied along with their assigned roles. If false, users and roles will be copied but roles will not be assigned

# userToken()

A Quickbase User Token. If both a userToken and tempToken are defined, the tempToken will be used Quickbase Documentation

# value()

The value for the variable.

# value()

The value for the variable.

# value()

Record data array, where each record contains key-value mappings of fields to be defined/updated and their values.

# value()

Variable value.

# value()

Variable value.

# value()

Variable value.

# value()

Variable value.

# variables()

The app variables. See About Application Variables

# variables()

The app variables. See About Application Variables

# variables()

The app variables. See About Application Variables

# variables()

The app variables. See About Application Variables

# version()

Quickbase API Version Default is v1

# versionNumber()

The file attachment version number.

# versionNumber()

The file attachment version number.

# where()

The filter to delete records. To delete all records specify a filter that will include all records, for example {3.GT.0} where 3 is the ID of the Record ID field.

# width()

The field's html input width in the product.

# workWeek()

The work week type.

# xmlTag()

The field's xml tag.

# ync(options, options.appId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get an app Returns the main properties of an application, including application variables. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get an app method options object
options.appId The unique identifier of an app
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.appId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get app events Get a list of events that can be triggered based on data or user actions in this application, includes: Email notification, Reminders, Subscriptions, QB Actions, Webhooks, record change triggered Automations (does not include scheduled). Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get app events method options object
options.appId The unique identifier of an app
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.appId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get tables for an app Gets a list of all the tables that exist in a specific application. The properties for each table are the same as what is returned in Get table. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get tables for an app method options object
options.appId The unique identifier of an app
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.tableId, options.appId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get a table Gets the properties of an individual table that is part of an application. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get a table method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.
options.appId The unique identifier of an app
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.tableId, options.appId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Delete a table Deletes a specific table in an application, including all of the data within it. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Delete a table method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.
options.appId The unique identifier of an app
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.childTableId, options.skip, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get all relationships Get a list of all relationships, and their definitions, for a specific table. Details are provided for the child side of relationships within a given application. Limited details are returned for cross-application relationships. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get all relationships method options object
options.childTableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the child table.
options.skip The number of relationships to skip.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.childTableId, options.relationshipId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Delete a relationship Use this endpoint to delete an entire relationship, including all lookup and summary fields. The reference field in the relationship will not be deleted. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Delete a relationship method options object
options.childTableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table. This will be the child table.
options.relationshipId The relationship id. This is the field id of the reference field on the child table.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.tableId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get reports for a table Get the schema (properties) of all reports for a table. If the user running the API is an application administrator, the API will also return all personal reports with owner's user id. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get reports for a table method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier of the table.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.reportId, options.tableId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get a report Get the schema (properties) of an individual report. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get a report method options object
options.reportId The identifier of the report, unique to the table.
options.tableId The unique identifier of table.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.reportId, options.tableId, options.skip, options.top, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Run a report Runs a report, based on an ID and returns the underlying data associated with it. The format of the data will vary based on the report type. Reports that focus on record-level data (table, calendar, etc.) return the individual records. Aggregate reports (summary, chart) will return the summarized information as configured in the report. UI-specific elements are not returned, such as totals, averages and visualizations. Returns data with intelligent pagination based on the approximate size of each record. The metadata object will include the necessary information to iterate over the response and gather more data. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Run a report method options object
options.reportId The identifier of the report, unique to the table.
options.tableId The identifier of the table for the report.
options.skip The number of records to skip. You can set this value when paginating through a set of results.
options.top The maximum number of records to return. You can override the default Quickbase pagination to get more or fewer results. If your requested value here exceeds the dynamic maximums, we will return a subset of results and the rest can be gathered in subsequent API calls.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.tableId, options.includeFieldPerms, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get fields for a table Gets the properties for all fields in a specific table. The properties for each field are the same as in Get field. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get fields for a table method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.
options.includeFieldPerms Set to 'true' if you'd like to get back the custom permissions for the field(s).
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.fieldId, options.tableId, options.includeFieldPerms, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get field Gets the properties of an individual field, based on field id. Properties present on all field types are returned at the top level. Properties unique to a specific type of field are returned under the 'properties' attribute. Please see Field types page for more details on the properties for each field type. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get field method options object
options.fieldId The unique identifier (fid) of the field.
options.tableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.
options.includeFieldPerms Set to 'true' if you'd like to get back the custom permissions for the field(s).
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.tableId, options.skip, options.top, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get usage for all fields Get all the field usage statistics for a table. This is a summary of the information that can be found in the usage table of field properties. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get usage for all fields method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.
options.skip The number of fields to skip from the list.
options.top The maximum number of fields to return.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.fieldId, options.tableId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get usage for a field Get a single fields usage statistics. This is a summary of the information that can be found in the usage table of field properties. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get usage for a field method options object
options.fieldId The unique identifier (fid) of the field.
options.tableId The unique identifier (dbid) of the table.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.dbid, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get a temporary token for a dbid Use this endpoint to get a temporary authorization token, scoped to either an app or a table. It can only be used inside of code pages for client-side authentication because it relies on the browser session. Learn more about extending Quickbase. You can then use this token to make other API calls (see authorization). This token expires in 5 minutes. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get a temporary token for a dbid method options object
options.dbid The unique identifier of an app or table.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Deactivate a user token Deactivates the authenticated user token. Once this is done, the user token must be reactivated in the user interface. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Deactivate a user token method options object
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Delete a user token Deletes the authenticated user token. This is not reversible. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Delete a user token method options object
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.tableId, options.recordId, options.fieldId, options.versionNumber, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Download file Downloads the file attachment, with the file attachment content encoded in base64 format. The API response returns the file name in the Content-Disposition header. Meta-data about files can be retrieved from the /records and /reports endpoints, where applicable. Use those endpoints to get the necessary information to fetch files. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Download file method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier of the table.
options.recordId The unique identifier of the record.
options.fieldId The unique identifier of the field.
options.versionNumber The file attachment version number.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.tableId, options.recordId, options.fieldId, options.versionNumber, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Delete file Deletes one file attachment version. Meta-data about files can be retrieved from the /records and /reports endpoints, where applicable. Use those endpoints to get the necessary information to delete file versions. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Delete file method options object
options.tableId The unique identifier of the table.
options.recordId The unique identifier of the record.
options.fieldId The unique identifier of the field.
options.versionNumber The file attachment version number.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.accountId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Deny users Denies users access to the realm but leaves them listed in groups they have been added to. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Deny users method options object
options.accountId The account id being used to deny users. If no value is specified, the first account associated with the requesting user token is chosen.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.shouldDeleteFromGroups, options.accountId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Deny and remove users from groups Denies users access to the realm and allows you to remove them from groups. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Deny and remove users from groups method options object
options.shouldDeleteFromGroups Specifies if the users should also be removed from all groups.
options.accountId The account id being used to deny users. If no value is specified, the first account associated with the requesting user token is chosen.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.accountId, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Undeny users Grants users that have previously been denied access to the realm. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Undeny users method options object
options.accountId The account id being used to undeny users. If no value is specified, the first account associated with the requesting user token is chosen.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.gid, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Add members Adds a list of users to a given group as members. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Add members method options object
options.gid This is the ID of the group being modified.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.gid, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Remove members Removes a list of members from a given group. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Remove members method options object
options.gid This is the ID of the group being modified.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.gid, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Add managers Adds a list of users to a given group as managers. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Add managers method options object
options.gid This is the ID of the group being modified.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.gid, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Remove managers Removes a list of managers from a given group. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Remove managers method options object
options.gid This is the ID of the group being modified.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.gid, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Add child groups Adds a list of groups to a given group. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Add child groups method options object
options.gid This is the ID of the group being modified.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.gid, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Remove child groups Removes a list of groups from a given group. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Remove child groups method options object
options.gid This is the ID of the group being modified.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object

# ync(options, options.day, options.requestOptions, options.returnAxios)

Get read summaries Get user read and integration read summaries for any day in the past. Note: This API is available for enterprise users only. Quickbase Documentation


Name Types Description
options Get read summaries method options object
options.day The date for which read summaries need to be fetched. This must be date-time only, as YYYY-MM-DD, and a valid date in the past.
options.requestOptions Override axios request configuration
options.returnAxios If true, the returned object will be the entire AxiosResponse object