erste (master) doxdox documentation

Your first choice for hybrid mobile applications

# EventType()

Event types for this model.

# InfiniteScrollModel()

Model for the infinite scroll component. Manages loading states to prevent performance problems like double actions.

# load()

Emits a load event to inform the parent component that it's at the end of a scroll and should load more items.

# reset()

Resets the component state to default state.

# shouldCheck()

Informs the caller if this model is in an appropriate state for checking the right (scroll) position.



Whether the component should check for the right (scroll) position.

# State()

Load more states.

# triggerShouldCheckState()

If the component is not in LOADING state, it should check to see if it should load. This method will be triggered on every scroll event.

# checkShouldLoadMore_()

private method

If in an appropriate state, checks if the scroll position is right and if so triggers a load more event.

# constructor(opt_el)

InfiniteScrollComponent is a small component which checks the scroll position of a given DOM element, and if it's in an appropriate position, fires a LOAD event for the parent component to act upon. When the parent component is done loading new items, it should reset this InfiniteScrollComponent with the reset() method.


Name Types Description
opt_el !HTMLElement= Optional element to track its scroll.

# dispose()

# e()

# InfiniteScroll()

# onScroll_()

private method

Scroll event handler for infinite scroll. Fires the throttle to check for the correct load more position.

# register(el)


Name Types Description
el HTMLElement Element to track.

# reset()

# showEndOfList()

# showSpinner()

# template()

# this.endOfListText()

Message to show when no more items are available to load.

# this.EventType()

# this.scrollEl()

# BackButton(opt_config)

Includes back button for back navigation.


Name Types Description
opt_config NavBar.NavBarOptions= Config parameters to include things like title.

# events()

# NavBar()

# NavBar.NavBarOptions()

# onBackButtonTap()

# onMenuButtonTap()

# template()

# this.config()

# this.vm()

# EventType()

Event types for this model.

# P2RComponentModel()

Model for the pull to refresh component. Manages refreshing states to prevent performance problems like double actions.

# refresh()

Dispatches a refresh event to inform the parent component that it's at the appropriate position for refresh.

# shouldCheck()

Informs the caller if this model is in an appropriate state for checking the right (scroll) position.



Whether the component should check for the right (scroll) position.

# State()

Pull to refresh states.

# triggerShouldCheckState()

If the component is not in REFRESHING state, it should check to see if it should refresh. This method will be triggered on every scroll event.

# checkShouldRefresh()

If in an appropriate state, checks if the scroll position is right and if so triggers a refresh event.

# constructor(opt_el)

P2RComponent is a small component which checks the scroll position of a given DOM element, and if it's in an appropriate position, fires a REFRESH event for the parent component to act upon. When the parent component is done with refreshing, it should reset this P2RComponent with the reset() method.


Name Types Description
opt_el !HTMLElement= Optional element to track its scroll.

# dispose()

# e_()

private method

Fires when the user lifts her finger to finish the scroll. If the user scrolled enough, inform the model to refresh

# mappings()

# onAfterRender()

# onShouldRefresh()

# PullToRefresh()

# PullToRefresh.arrowOffset()

# PullToRefresh.height()

# PullToRefresh.threshold()

# register(scrollEl, containerEl)


Name Types Description
scrollEl HTMLElement Element to track.
containerEl HTMLElement= Element to offset during activity.

# reset()

# template()

# this.EventType()

# events()

# EventType()

# mappings()

# onSidebarItemTap(e)


Name Types Description
e !{targetEl: !Element} Tap event.

# Sidebar()

# template()

# template_items()



Returns the items for the sidebar.

# this.vm()

# activateItem(index)


Name Types Description
index number Index of the item to be active.

# activateItemByName(name)


Name Types Description
name string Name for the tab bar item.

# deactivateActiveItem()

# events()

# mappings()

# onAfterRender()

# onItemTap(e)


Name Types Description
e !{targetEl: !Element} Item touch event handler.

# TabView()

# template()



Base template of NavigationBar component.

# template_items()



Template for tab bar items.

# template_views()

# this.activeItemIndex()

# this.views()

# this.vm()

# Component()

# erste()

# erste.use()

# InfiniteScroll()

# locale()

# locale.__()

# NavBar()

# PullToRefresh()

# Sidebar()

# TabView()

# View()

# ViewManager()

# goog()

Base namespace for the Closure library. Checks to see goog is already defined in the current scope before assigning to prevent clobbering if base.js is loaded more than once.

# goog.exportPath_(name, opt_object, opt_objectToExportTo)

private method

Builds an object structure for the provided namespace path, ensuring that names that already exist are not overwritten. For example: "a.b.c" -> a = {};a.b={};a.b.c={}; Used by goog.provide and goog.exportSymbol.


Name Types Description
name string name of the object that this file defines.
opt_object *= the object to expose at the end of the path.
opt_objectToExportTo Object= The object to add the path to; default is

# goog.exportProperty(object, publicName, symbol)

Exports a property unobfuscated into the object's namespace. ex. goog.exportProperty(Foo, 'staticFunction', Foo.staticFunction); ex. goog.exportProperty(Foo.prototype, 'myMethod', Foo.prototype.myMethod);


Name Types Description
object Object Object whose static property is being exported.
publicName string Unobfuscated name to export.
symbol * Object the name should point to.

# goog.exportSymbol(publicPath, object, opt_objectToExportTo)

Exposes an unobfuscated global namespace path for the given object. Note that fields of the exported object will be obfuscated, unless they are exported in turn via this function or goog.exportProperty. Also handy for making public items that are defined in anonymous closures. ex. goog.exportSymbol('public.path.Foo', Foo); ex. goog.exportSymbol('public.path.Foo.staticFunction', Foo.staticFunction); public.path.Foo.staticFunction(); ex. goog.exportSymbol('public.path.Foo.prototype.myMethod', Foo.prototype.myMethod); new public.path.Foo().myMethod();


Name Types Description
publicPath string Unobfuscated name to export.
object * Object the name should point to.
opt_objectToExportTo Object= The object to add the path to; default is


Reference to the global context. In most cases this will be 'window'.

# goog.isDef(val)

Returns true if the specified value is not undefined.


Name Types Description
val Variable to test.



Whether variable is defined.

# callHandlers()

Given a list of componentsRegistry, checks whether any component would respond to the given event and if so, executes the event handler defined in the component.

# getComponent(id)

Given an id, returns a component in the registry.


Name Types Description
id string Id for the component instance.

# injectFallbackMouseEvents()

Injects fallback mouse events for non-touch devices to events object.

# markComponentRendered(comp)

Given an id, marks a component as rendered, removing it from the render queue.


Name Types Description
comp !Component Component instance to mark as rendered.

# removeComponent(comp)

Given an id, removes a component from the registry.


Name Types Description
comp !Component Component instance to remove.

# setComponent(comp)

Registers a component to the component registry, setting it up for render if it hasn't already been rendered. Also, if this is the first time this type of component is registered, it checks and decomposes the event handler declaration syntax sugar.


Name Types Description
comp !Component Component instance to register.

# Component()

{@link Component} is a role that determines an aspect of your user interface. It defines what your users see on the page. Every {@link Component} includes a set of behaviors, like what happens when a user clicks on a button. {@link Component}s should be dummy, in that they should have no memory, or state, of their own. {@link Component}s know how to draw a user interface and how to handle user input; whose business logic should be delegated to other classes in the system.

# Component.__events()

# Component.__nonBubblingEvents()


# constructor(props)

Creates a new {@link View} instance. Users should subclass this class to incorporate their own functionality, as the default View instance doesn't provide anything out of the box.


Name Types Description
props Object! Properties that will be saved as this.props.

# created(props)


Name Types Description
props !Object The properties passed onto this {@link Component} at instantiation.

# createdHooks(props)


Name Types Description
props !Object The properties passed onto this {@link Component} at instantiation.

# dispose()

# id()



# onAfterRender()

# onAfterRenderHooks()

# tagExtension_()

Provides template for populating the id field of a component. Should not be overridden.

# template(props)


Name Types Description
props !Object The properties passed onto this {@link Component} at instantiation.



# this.element_()

private method

# this.id_()

private method

# this.props()

# this.rendered_()

private method

Whether the {@link Component} has been rendered into the DOM.

# this.template_()

private method

The HTML template of a {@link Component}.

# toString()

# ync()

# addListener(emitter, event, fn, context, once)

private method

Add a listener for a given event.


Name Types Description
emitter EventEmitter Reference to the EventEmitter instance.
event (string Symbol)
fn Function The listener function.
context * The context to invoke the listener with.
once boolean Specify if the listener is a one-time listener.

# clearEvent(emitter, evt)

private method

Clear event by name.


Name Types Description
emitter EventEmitter Reference to the EventEmitter instance.
evt (string Symbol

# EE(fn, context, once)

private method

Representation of a single event listener.


Name Types Description
fn Function The listener function.
context * The context to invoke the listener with.
once boolean Specify if the listener is a one-time listener.

# emit(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)

Calls each of the listeners registered for a given event.


Name Types Description
event (string Symbol)
a1 *=
a2 *=
a3 *=
a4 *=
a5 *=

# EventEmitter()

Minimal EventEmitter interface that is molded against the Node.js EventEmitter interface.

# eventNames()

Return an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered listeners.

# Events()

private method

Constructor to create a storage for our EE objects. An Events instance is a plain object whose properties are event names.

# listenerCount(event)

Return the number of listeners listening to a given event.


Name Types Description
event (string Symbol)

# listeners(event)

Return the listeners registered for a given event.


Name Types Description
event (string Symbol)

# on(event, fn, context)

Add a listener for a given event.


Name Types Description
event (string Symbol)
fn Function The listener function.
context * The context to invoke the listener with.

# once(event, fn, context)

Add a one-time listener for a given event.


Name Types Description
event (string Symbol)
fn Function The listener function.
context * The context to invoke the listener with.

# removeAllListeners(event)

Remove all listeners, or those of the specified event.


Name Types Description
event (string Symbol)

# removeListener(event, fn, context, once)

Remove the listeners of a given event.


Name Types Description
event (string Symbol)
fn Function Only remove the listeners that match this function.
context * Only remove the listeners that have this context.
once boolean Only remove one-time listeners.

# constructor(opt_el)

Tracks and fires gestures on touch enabled devices.


Name Types Description
opt_el !HTMLElement= Provided, gesture handler will track gesture events on this element. The default value is document.body; but an optional root element is inevitable for iframe's.

# deviceIsIOSWithBadTarget()

iOS 6.0(+?) requires the target element to be manually derived.

# this.touches()

# this.touchStartTime()

# angle(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Computes the angle between two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). Angle zero points in the +X direction, 90 degrees points in the +Y direction (down) and from there we grow clockwise towards 360 degrees.


Name Types Description
x1 number x of first point.
y1 number y of first point.
x2 number x of second point.
y2 number y of second point.



Standardized angle in degrees of the vector from x1,y1 to x2,y2.

# distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Calculates distance between two points given 4 points.


Name Types Description
x1 number X value of the first point
y1 number Y value of the first point
x2 number X value of the second point
y2 number Y value of the second point



Distance between two points

# lerp(a, b, x)

Performs linear interpolation between values a and b. Returns the value between a and b proportional to x (when x is between 0 and 1. When x is outside this range, the return value is a linear extrapolation).


Name Types Description
a number A number.
b number A number.
x number The proportion between a and b.



The interpolated value between a and b.

# modulo(a, b)

The % operator in JavaScript returns the remainder of a / b, but differs from some other languages in that the result will have the same sign as the dividend. For example, -1 % 8 == -1, whereas in some other languages (such as Python) the result would be 7. This function emulates the more correct modulo behavior, which is useful for certain applications such as calculating an offset index in a circular list.


Name Types Description
a number The dividend.
b number The divisor.



a % b where the result is between 0 and b (either 0 <= x < b or b < x <= 0, depending on the sign of b).

# standardAngle(angle)

Normalizes an angle to be in range [0-360). Angles outside this range will be normalized to be the equivalent angle with that range.


Name Types Description
angle number Angle in degrees.



Standardized angle.

# toDegrees(angleRadians)

Converts radians to degrees.


Name Types Description
angleRadians number Angle in radians.



Angle in degrees.

# getUid()

Returns a unique identifier string, which is an auto-incremented base-36 counter.



# ErstePlugin()

# function(plugin)


Name Types Description
plugin ErstePlugin An erste plugin to install and use. Its $$register method will be called with erste as the first parameter, allowing it to modify the erste module freely. One common use case is the regie npm library, which is the state management solution for vanilla JavaScript applications and erste. It injects the store into root of erste and allows Components to have a special syntax to declare observations for state properties.

# __()

# defaultLang_()

The default language

# getLocalizedString(text, args)

Return translation of the given text Look for a translation from goog.require()'d scripts. Replace the variables inside the translation. Return the same text if no translation found. Pass in variables as integers inside curly brackets. {0} will be replaced by first argument and so on.


Name Types Description
text string Text to be translated.
args ...* Translation arguments.



Localized string.

# setLanguage(lang)

Change the active dictionary


Name Types Description
lang string Language code.

# default(fn, threshhold, scope)


Name Types Description
fn !Function
threshhold number
scope Object=

# now()

# rv(args)


Name Types Description
args ...*

# backGestureTouchMove_(e)

private method

Handle touch move events when they occur in a back gesture.


Name Types Description
e !TouchEvent Touch end event.

# canGoBack()



Whether the view manager can push current view.

# closeSidebarTouchMove_(e)

private method

Close sidebar touch move functionality.


Name Types Description
e !TouchEvent

# constructor(opt_root)

{@link ViewManager} constructor. At least one {@link ViewManager} should be present in all multi-view erste applications.


Name Types Description
opt_root (!Element !View)=

# initTouchEvents_()

private method

Initializes touch event handlers for all touch end and touch move events ocurring on the root element.

# onTouchEnd_()

private method

Handles touch end events and decides how the view transitions should follow.

# onTouchMove_()

private method

Handles touch move events and decides how the view transitions should occur.

# pull(view, opt_canGoBack)


Name Types Description
view !View {@link View} instance to pull into the scene.
opt_canGoBack boolean= Whether the {@link ViewManager} should keep history so that one can go back to the previous {@link View}. Has a hard-coded transition effect similar to iOS7+.

# push()

# setCurrentView(view, opt_noDispose)


Name Types Description
view !View The view to set as the foremost view.
opt_noDispose boolean= Whether to dispose the current view.

# this.currentView()

# this.firstX_()

private method

# this.hideSidebarTimeout_()

private method

# this.history()

# this.initialized_()

private method

# this.lastTouches_()

private method

# this.root_()

private method

# this.rootEl_()

private method

# this.state_()

private method

Initial state of the viewManager. Indicates the sidebar is off and there are no active gestures on the root element.

# toggleSidebar()

# tViewInHistory()



# ViewManager()

This class handles view transitions and view history in a consistent manner similar to NavigationControllers in other frameworks. An instance of this class should be used by views that will contain other views, and will allow navigation in between them. Also, each multi-view application should have at least one root {@link ViewManager}.

# ViewManager.State()

# ViewManager.topIndex_()

private method

3d transform Z position for the uppermost view. Used to set the right view on top.

# constructor(props)

Creates a new {@link View} instance. Users should subclass this class to incorporate their own functionality, as the default View instance doesn't provide anything out of the box.


Name Types Description
props !Object Properties that will be saved as this.props.

# document.body(opt_rootEl=document.body, opt_index)

Renders the view into a parent DOM element. The default root element is document.body, so for the sake of simplicity, one can just call view.render() to render the view into the DOM.


Name Types Description
opt_rootEl=document.body HTMLElement= Root element to render this view in.
opt_index number= The index of this view in z-axis.

# onActivation()

# onAfterRender()

This method is similar to viewDidAppear or componentDidMount methods found in other frameworks. It's called automatically when the view is rendered into the DOM. This method already sets thez-index property and accompanying CSS transforms appropriately, positioning the view to its correct place. Override to provide custom functionality after the view's root element enters the DOM. This can be listening to additional DOM events or manipulating element properties. Make sure to call super.onAfterRender() when you override this method.

# panIn(isTheViewBeingPulled)


Name Types Description
isTheViewBeingPulled boolean Whether the view is being pulled or pushed

# panOut(isTheViewBeingPulled)


Name Types Description
isTheViewBeingPulled boolean Whether the view is being pulled or pushed.

# tagExtension_()

Provides template for populating the id field and adding the view attribute. Should not be overridden.

# template()

Default template for views. Uses a custom element <view>, which should be set to display: block for proper looks.

# View()

The default view class for all the views in an erste application. A {@link View} is simply a {@link Component} with additional convenience features. For example, a {@link View} renders to document.body by default, whereas a {@link Component} silently ignores the call if no root is provided. Also, regardless of the template, a view attribute is added to the root DOM elements of each {@link View}, so that uniform styling across all views is possible without much heavy-lifting. For implementing full-screen, navigable views, users should subclass {@link View}. erste requires you to manually instantiate all the views in your application.

# View.backGestureTouchTargetWidth()

# View.hasSidebar()

# View.index()

# View.supportsBackGesture()

# View.width_()




The device width.