# documented()
This example refreshes an access token. Refreshing access tokens is only possible access tokens received using the Authorization Code flow, documented here: https://developer.spotify.com/spotify-web-api/authorization-guide/#authorization_code_flow
# spotifyApi()
Set the credentials given on Spotify's My Applications page. https://developer.spotify.com/my-applications
# spotifyApi()
Set the credentials given on Spotify's My Applications page. https://developer.spotify.com/my-applications
# spotifyApi()
Set the credentials given on Spotify's My Applications page. https://developer.spotify.com/my-applications
# spotifyApi()
Set the credentials given on Spotify's My Applications page. https://developer.spotify.com/my-applications
# documented()
This example retrieves information about the 'current' user. The current user is the user that has authorized the application to access its data.
# spotifyApi()
This endpoint doesn't require an access token, but it's beneficial to use one as it gives the application a higher rate limit. Since it's not necessary to get an access token connected to a specific user, this example uses the Client Credentials flow. This flow uses only the client ID and the client secret. https://developer.spotify.com/spotify-web-api/authorization-guide/#client_credentials_flow
# HttpManager.del(The, The)
Make a HTTP DELETE request.
Name | Types | Description |
The | BaseRequest |
request. |
The | Function |
callback function. |
# HttpManager.get(The, The)
Make a HTTP GET request.
Name | Types | Description |
The | BaseRequest |
request. |
The | Function |
callback function. |
# HttpManager.post(The, The)
Make a HTTP POST request.
Name | Types | Description |
The | BaseRequest |
request. |
The | Function |
callback function. |
# HttpManager.put(The, The)
Make a HTTP PUT request.
Name | Types | Description |
The | BaseRequest |
request. |
The | Function |
callback function. |
# authorizationCodeGrant(code, callback)
Request an access token using the Authorization Code flow. Requires that client ID, client secret, and redirect URI has been set previous to the call.
Name | Types | Description |
code | string |
The authorization code returned in the callback in the Authorization Code flow. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# clientCredentialsGrant(options, callback)
Request an access token using the Client Credentials flow. Requires that client ID and client secret has been set previous to the call.
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# refreshAccessToken(callback)
Refresh the access token given that it hasn't expired. Requires that client ID, client secret and refresh token has been set previous to the call.
Name | Types | Description |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# addToMySavedAlbums(albumIds, callback)
Add an album from the authenticated user's Your Music library.
Name | Types | Description |
albumIds | string[] |
The track IDs |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# addToMySavedTracks(trackIds, callback)
Add a track from the authenticated user's Your Music library.
Name | Types | Description |
trackIds | string[] |
The track IDs |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# addTracksToPlaylist(userId, playlistId, tracks, options, callback)
Add tracks to a playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID |
tracks | string[] |
URIs of the tracks to add to the playlist. |
options | Object |
Options, position being the only one. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# areFollowingPlaylist(userId, playlistId, User, callback)
Check if users are following a playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID |
User | String[] |
IDs of the following users |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# changePlaylistDetails(userId, playlistId, options, callback)
Change playlist details.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID |
options | Object |
The possible options, e.g. name, public. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# containsMySavedAlbums(albumIds, callback)
Check if one or more albums is already saved in the current Spotify user’s “Your Music” library.
Name | Types | Description |
albumIds | string[] |
The album IDs |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# containsMySavedTracks(trackIds, callback)
Check if one or more tracks is already saved in the current Spotify user’s “Your Music” library.
Name | Types | Description |
trackIds | string[] |
The track IDs |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# createAuthorizeURL(scopes, state, showDialog)
Retrieve a URL where the user can give the application permissions.
Name | Types | Description |
scopes | string[] |
The scopes corresponding to the permissions the application needs. |
state | string |
A parameter that you can use to maintain a value between the request and the callback to redirect_uri.It is useful to prevent CSRF exploits. |
showDialog | boolean |
A parameter that you can use to force the user to approve the app on each login rather than being automatically redirected. |
# createPlaylist(userId, playlistName, options, callback)
Create a playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID. |
playlistName | string |
The name of the playlist. |
options | Object |
The possible options, currently only public. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# e64URI(userId, playlistId, base64URI, callback)
Replace the image used to represent a specific playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID |
base64URI | string |
Base64 encoded JPEG image data, maximum payload size is 256 KB |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# es(options, callback)
Retrieve new releases
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being country, limit and/or offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# followArtists(artistIds, callback)
Add the current user as a follower of one or more artists.
Name | Types | Description |
artistIds | string[] |
The IDs of the artists to be followed. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# followPlaylist(userId, playlistId, options, callback)
Follow a playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID |
options | Object |
The possible options, currently only public. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# followUsers(userIds, callback)
Add the current user as a follower of one or more other Spotify users.
Name | Types | Description |
userIds | string[] |
The IDs of the users to be followed. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getAlbum(albumId, options, callback)
Look up an album.
Name | Types | Description |
albumId | string |
The album's ID. |
options | Object |
The possible options, currently only market. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getAlbums(albumIds, options, callback)
Look up several albums.
Name | Types | Description |
albumIds | string[] |
The IDs of the albums. |
options | Object |
The possible options, currently only market. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getAlbumTracks(albumId, callback)
Get the tracks of an album.
Name | Types | Description |
albumId |
the album's ID. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getArtist(artistId, callback)
Look up an artist.
Name | Types | Description |
artistId | string |
The artist's ID. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getArtistAlbums(artistId, callback)
Get an artist's albums.
Name | Types | Description |
artistId | string |
The artist's ID. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getArtistRelatedArtists(artistId, callback)
Get related artists.
Name | Types | Description |
artistId | string |
The artist's ID. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getArtists(artistIds, callback)
Look up several artists.
Name | Types | Description |
artistIds | string[] |
The IDs of the artists. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getArtistTopTracks(artistId, country, callback)
Get an artist's top tracks.
Name | Types | Description |
artistId | string |
The artist's ID. |
country | string |
The country/territory where the tracks are most popular. (format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getAudioAnalysisForTrack(trackId, callback)
Get audio analysis for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID.
Name | Types | Description |
trackId | string |
The track ID |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getAudioFeaturesForTrack(trackId, callback)
Get audio features for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID.
Name | Types | Description |
trackId | string |
The track ID |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getAudioFeaturesForTracks(trackIds, callback)
Get audio features for multiple tracks identified by their unique Spotify ID.
Name | Types | Description |
trackIds | string[] |
The track IDs |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getAvailableGenreSeeds(callback)
Retrieve a list of available genres seed parameter values for recommendations.
Name | Types | Description |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getCategories(options, callback)
Retrieve a list of categories used to tag items in Spotify (e.g. in the 'Browse' tab)
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being country, locale, limit, offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getCategory(categoryId, options, callback)
Retrieve a category.
Name | Types | Description |
categoryId | string |
The id of the category to retrieve. |
options | Object |
Options, being country, locale. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getFeaturedPlaylists(options, callback)
Retrieve featured playlists
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being country, locale, timestamp, limit, offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getFollowedArtists(options, callback)
Get the current user's followed artists.
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being after and limit. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getMe(callback)
Get information about the user that has signed in (the current user).
Name | Types | Description |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getMyCurrentPlaybackState(options, callback)
Get the Current User's Current Playback State
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being market. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getMyCurrentPlayingTrack(options, callback)
Get the Current User's Currently Playing Track.
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being market. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getMyDevices(callback)
Get the Current User's Connect Devices
Name | Types | Description |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getMyRecentlyPlayedTracks(options, callback)
Get the Current User's Recently Played Tracks
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being type, after, limit, before. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getMySavedAlbums(options, callback)
Retrieve the albums that are saved to the authenticated users Your Music library.
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being market, limit, and/or offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getMySavedTracks(options, callback)
Retrieve the tracks that are saved to the authenticated users Your Music library.
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being market, limit, and/or offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getMyTopArtists(options, callback)
Get the current user's top artists based on calculated affinity.
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being time_range, limit, offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getMyTopTracks(options, callback)
Get the current user's top tracks based on calculated affinity.
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being time_range, limit, offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getPlaylist(userId, playlistId, options, callback)
Get a playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID. |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID. |
options | Object |
The options supplied to this request. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getPlaylistsForCategory(categoryId, options, callback)
Retrieve playlists for a category.
Name | Types | Description |
categoryId | string |
The id of the category to retrieve playlists for. |
options | Object |
Options, being country, limit, offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getPlaylistTracks(userId, playlistId, options, callback)
Get tracks in a playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
THe playlist's owner's user ID. |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID. |
options | Object |
Optional options, such as fields. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getRecommendations(options, callback)
Create a playlist-style listening experience based on seed artists, tracks and genres.
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
The options supplied to this request. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getTrack(trackId, options, callback)
Look up a track.
Name | Types | Description |
trackId | string |
The track's ID. |
options | Object |
The possible options, currently only market. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getTracks(trackIds, options, callback)
Look up several tracks.
Name | Types | Description |
trackIds | string[] |
The IDs of the artists. |
options | Object |
The possible options, currently only market. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getUser(userId, callback)
Get information about a user.
Name | Types | Description |
userId |
The user ID. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# getUserPlaylists(userId, options, callback)
Get a user's playlists.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
An optional id of the user. If you know the Spotify URI it is easy to find the id (e.g. spotify:user:<here_is_the_id>). If not provided, the id of the user that granted the permissions will be used. |
options | Object |
The options supplied to this request. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# isFollowingArtists(artistIds, callback)
Check to see if the current user is following one or more artists.
Name | Types | Description |
artistIds | string[] |
The IDs of the artists to check if are followed by the current user. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# isFollowingUsers(userIds, callback)
Check to see if the current user is following one or more other Spotify users.
Name | Types | Description |
userIds | string[] |
The IDs of the users to check if are followed by the current user. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# pause(options, callback)
Pauses the Current User's Playback
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, for now device_id, |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# play(options, callback)
Starts o Resumes the Current User's Playback
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being device_id, context_uri, offset, uris. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# removeFromMySavedAlbums(albumIds, callback)
Remove an album from the authenticated user's Your Music library.
Name | Types | Description |
albumIds | string[] |
The album IDs |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# removeFromMySavedTracks(trackIds, callback)
Remove a track from the authenticated user's Your Music library.
Name | Types | Description |
trackIds | string[] |
The track IDs |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# removeTracksFromPlaylist(userId, playlistId, tracks, options, callback)
Remove tracks from a playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID |
tracks | Object[] |
An array of objects containing a property called uri with the track URI (String), and a an optional property called positions (int[]), e.g. { uri : "spotify:track:491rM2JN8KvmV6p0oDDuJT", positions : [0, 15] } |
options | Object |
Options, snapshot_id being the only one. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# removeTracksFromPlaylistByPosition(userId, playlistId, positions, snapshot_id, callback)
Remove tracks from a playlist by position instead of specifying the tracks' URIs.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID |
positions | int[] |
The positions of the tracks in the playlist that should be removed |
snapshot_id | string |
The snapshot ID, or version, of the playlist. Required |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# reorderTracksInPlaylist(userId, playlistId, rangeStart, insertBefore, options, callback)
Reorder tracks in a playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID |
rangeStart | int |
The position of the first track to be reordered. |
insertBefore | int |
The position where the tracks should be inserted. |
options | Object |
Optional parameters, i.e. range_length and snapshot_id. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# replaceTracksInPlaylist(userId, playlistId, uris, callback)
Replace tracks in a playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID |
uris | Object[] |
An array of track URIs (strings) |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# search(query, types, options, callback)
Search for music entities of certain types.
Name | Types | Description |
query | string |
The search query. |
types | string[] |
An array of item types to search across. Valid types are: 'album', 'artist', 'playlist', and 'track'. |
options | Object |
The possible options, e.g. limit, offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# searchAlbums(query, options, callback)
Search for an album.
Name | Types | Description |
query | string |
The search query. |
options | Object |
The possible options, e.g. limit, offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# searchArtists(query, options, callback)
Search for an artist.
Name | Types | Description |
query | string |
The search query. |
options | Object |
The possible options, e.g. limit, offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# searchPlaylists(query, options, callback)
Search for playlists.
Name | Types | Description |
query | string |
The search query. |
options | Object |
The possible options. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# searchTracks(query, options, callback)
Search for a track.
Name | Types | Description |
query | string |
The search query. |
options | Object |
The possible options, e.g. limit, offset. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# setRepeat(options, callback)
Set Repeat Mode On The Current User's Playback
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being state (track, context, off). |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# setShuffle(options, callback)
Set Shuffle Mode On The Current User's Playback
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being state (true, false). |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# skipToNext(callback)
Skip the Current User's Playback To Next Track
Name | Types | Description |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# skipToPrevious(callback)
Skip the Current User's Playback To Previous Track
Name | Types | Description |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# transferMyPlayback(options, callback)
Transfer a User's Playback
Name | Types | Description |
options | Object |
Options, being market. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# unfollowArtists(artistIds, callback)
Remove the current user as a follower of one or more artists.
Name | Types | Description |
artistIds | string[] |
The IDs of the artists to be unfollowed. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# unfollowPlaylist(userId, playlistId, options, callback)
Unfollow a playlist.
Name | Types | Description |
userId | string |
The playlist's owner's user ID |
playlistId | string |
The playlist's ID |
options | Object |
The possible options, currently only public. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |
# unfollowUsers(userIds, callback)
Remove the current user as a follower of one or more other Spotify users.
Name | Types | Description |
userIds | string[] |
The IDs of the users to be unfollowed. |
callback | requestCallback |
Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise. |