onlybuild (main) doxdox documentation

A zero-config cli for building static websites.

# buildFile(path)

Returns the default export if it is a string.


Name Types Description
path string

# buildFiles(paths)

Iterate over all file paths and returns the default export for each file if it is a string.


Name Types Description
paths string[]

# calculateOutputPathFromInputPath(path)

Calculates the output path of the file based on the original input path.


Name Types Description
path string

# writeFileAndMakeDir(path, contents)

Writes the contents of a file to a path, creating parent directories as needed.


Name Types Description
path string
contents string

# writeFiles(files, buildDir)

Write files to the build directory.


Name Types Description
files { path: string; contents: string }[]
buildDir string

# copyFileAndMakeDir(src, dest)

Copies a file from one path to another, creating parent directories as needed.


Name Types Description
src string
dest string

# copyFiles(paths, buildDir)

Iterate over all file paths and copy them to the build directory.


Name Types Description
paths string[]
buildDir string

# css(strings, values)

String template utility that adds syntax highlighting and formatting in text editors.


Name Types Description
strings TemplateStringsArray
values any[]

# html(strings, values)

String template utility that adds syntax highlighting and formatting in text editors.


Name Types Description
strings TemplateStringsArray
values any[]