# Chess()
Like chess.js, but handles variations and is written in ES5 Uses chess.js for validation and cm-pgn for the history and PGN header
# header()
# loadPgn(pgn)
Load a PGN with variations, NAGs, header and annotations. cm-chess uses cm-pgn fot the header and history. See https://github.com/shaack/cm-pgn
Name | Types | Description |
pgn |
# move(move, previousMove, sloppy)
Make a move in the game.
Name | Types | Description |
move |
previousMove |
optional, the previous move (for variations) |
sloppy |
to allow sloppy SAN |
# Pgn.js()
Author and copyright: Stefan Haack (https://shaack.com) Repository: https://github.com/shaack/cm-chess License: MIT, see file 'LICENSE'
# renderPgn(renderHeader, renderComments, renderNags)
Render the game as PGN with header, comments and NAGs
Name | Types | Description |
renderHeader |
optional, default true |
renderComments |
optional, default true |
renderNags |
optional, default true |
# setUpFen()
# this.lastMove()
# this.lastMove(options, move)
Return all valid moves
Name | Types | Description |
options |
{{ square: "e2", piece: "n", verbose: true }} Fields with { verbose: true } - color indicates the color of the moving piece (w or b). - from and to fields are from and to squares in algebraic notation. - piece , captured , and promotion fields contain the lowercase representation of the applicable piece (pnbrqk). The captured and promotion fields are only present when the move is a valid capture or promotion. - san is the move in Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN). - flags field contains one or more of the string values: n - a non-capture b - a pawn push of two squares e - an en passant capture c - a standard capture p - a promotion k - kingside castling q - queenside castling A flags value of pc would mean that a pawn captured a piece on the 8th rank and promoted. |
move |
# this.lastMove(type, color, move)
Get the position of the specified figures at a specific move
Name | Types | Description |
type |
"p", "n", "b",... |
color |
"b" or "w" |
move |
# this.lastMove(square, move)
get the piece on a square
Name | Types | Description |
square |
move |
# tMove()
# validateMove(move, previousMove, sloppy)
Don't make a move, just validate, if it would be a correct move
Name | Types | Description |
move |
previousMove |
optional, the previous move (for variations) |
sloppy |
to allow sloppy SAN |
# Fen()
Author and copyright: Stefan Haack (https://shaack.com) Repository: https://github.com/shaack/cm-chess License: MIT, see file 'LICENSE'
# parse(fen)
Name | Types | Description |
fen |