spotify-web-api-node (master) doxdox documentation

A Node.js wrapper for Spotify's Web API

# documented()

This example refreshes an access token. Refreshing access tokens is only possible access tokens received using the Authorization Code flow, documented here:

# spotifyApi()

Get the credentials from Spotify's Dashboard page.

# spotifyApi()

Get the credentials from Spotify's Dashboard page.

# described()

This example demonstrates adding tracks, removing tracks, and replacing tracks in a playlist. At the time of writing this documentation, this is the available playlist track modification feature in the Spotify Web API. Since authorization is required, this example retrieves an access token using the Authorization Code Grant flow, documented here: Codes are given for a set of scopes. For this example, the scopes are playlist-modify-public. Scopes are documented here:

# spotifyApi()

Get the credentials from Spotify's Dashboard page.

# described()

This example demonstrates adding tracks to a specified position in a playlist. Since authorization is required, this example retrieves an access token using the Authorization Code Grant flow, documented here: Codes are given for a set of scopes. For this example, the scopes are playlist-modify-public. Scopes are documented here:

# spotifyApi()

Get the credentials from Spotify's Dashboard page.

# spotifyApi()

Get the credentials from Spotify's Dashboard page.

# documented()

This example retrieves information about the 'current' user. The current user is the user that has authorized the application to access its data.

# spotifyApi()

This endpoint doesn't require an access token, but it's beneficial to use one as it gives the application a higher rate limit. Since it's not necessary to get an access token connected to a specific user, this example uses the Client Credentials flow. This flow uses only the client ID and the client secret.

# spotifyApi()

Get the credentials from Spotify's Dashboard page.

# SpotifyWebApi()

This example is using the Authorization Code flow. In root directory run npm install express then run with the followinng command. If you don't have a client_id and client_secret yet, create an application on Create an application here: to get them. Make sure you whitelist the correct redirectUri in line 26. node access-token-server.js "" "" and visit http://localhost:8888/login in your Browser.

# HttpManager.del(The, The)

Make a HTTP DELETE request.


Name Types Description
The BaseRequest request.
The Function callback function.

# HttpManager.get(The, The)

Make a HTTP GET request.


Name Types Description
The BaseRequest request.
The Function callback function.

#, The)

Make a HTTP POST request.


Name Types Description
The BaseRequest request.
The Function callback function.

# HttpManager.put(The, The)

Make a HTTP PUT request.


Name Types Description
The BaseRequest request.
The Function callback function.

# WebapiAuthenticationError()

Authentication Error { error : , error_description : }

# WebapiPlayerError()

Player Error { status : , message : , reason : }

# WebapiRegularError()

Regular Error { status : , message : }

# authorizationCodeGrant(code, callback)

Request an access token using the Authorization Code flow. Requires that client ID, client secret, and redirect URI has been set previous to the call.


Name Types Description
code string The authorization code returned in the callback in the Authorization Code flow.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# clientCredentialsGrant(callback)

Request an access token using the Client Credentials flow. Requires that client ID and client secret has been set previous to the call.


Name Types Description
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# createAuthorizeURL(scopes, state, showDialog, responseType)

Retrieve a URL where the user can give the application permissions.


Name Types Description
scopes string[] The scopes corresponding to the permissions the application needs.
state string A parameter that you can use to maintain a value between the request and the callback to redirect_uri.It is useful to prevent CSRF exploits.
showDialog boolean A parameter that you can use to force the user to approve the app on each login rather than being automatically redirected.
responseType string An optional parameter that you can use to specify the code response based on the authentication type - can be set to 'code' or 'token'. Default 'code' to ensure backwards compatability.

# refreshAccessToken(callback)

Refresh the access token given that it hasn't expired. Requires that client ID, client secret and refresh token has been set previous to the call.


Name Types Description
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# addToMySavedAlbums(albumIds, callback)

Add an album from the authenticated user's Your Music library.


Name Types Description
albumIds string[] The track IDs
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# addToMySavedShows(showIds, callback)

Add a show from the authenticated user's Your Music library.


Name Types Description
showIds string[] The show IDs
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# addToMySavedTracks(trackIds, callback)

Add a track from the authenticated user's Your Music library.


Name Types Description
trackIds string[] The track IDs
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# addToQueue(uri, options, callback)

Add track or episode to device queue


Name Types Description
uri string uri of the track or episode to add
options Object Options, being device_id.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# addTracksToPlaylist(playlistId, tracks, options, callback)

Add tracks to a playlist.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID
tracks string[] URIs of the tracks to add to the playlist.
options Object Options, position being the only one.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# areFollowingPlaylist(userId, playlistId, User, callback)

Check if users are following a playlist.


Name Types Description
userId string The playlist's owner's user ID
playlistId string The playlist's ID
User String[] IDs of the following users
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# changePlaylistDetails(playlistId, options, callback)

Change playlist details.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID
options Object The possible options, e.g. name, public.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# containsMySavedAlbums(albumIds, callback)

Check if one or more albums is already saved in the current Spotify user’s “Your Music” library.


Name Types Description
albumIds string[] The album IDs
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# containsMySavedShows(showIds, callback)

Check if one or more shows is already saved in the current Spotify user’s “Your Music” library.


Name Types Description
showIds string[] The show IDs
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# containsMySavedTracks(trackIds, callback)

Check if one or more tracks is already saved in the current Spotify user’s “Your Music” library.


Name Types Description
trackIds string[] The track IDs
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# createPlaylist(name, options, callback)

Create a playlist.


Name Types Description
name string The name of the playlist.
options Object The possible options, being description, collaborative and public.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# e64URI(playlistId, base64URI, callback)

Replace the image used to represent a specific playlist.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID
base64URI string Base64 encoded JPEG image data, maximum payload size is 256 KB
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# es(options, callback)

Retrieve new releases


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being country, limit and/or offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# followArtists(artistIds, callback)

Add the current user as a follower of one or more artists.


Name Types Description
artistIds string[] The IDs of the artists to be followed.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# followPlaylist(playlistId, options, callback)

Follow a playlist.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID
options Object The possible options, currently only public.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# followUsers(userIds, callback)

Add the current user as a follower of one or more other Spotify users.


Name Types Description
userIds string[] The IDs of the users to be followed.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getAlbum(albumId, options, callback)

Look up an album.


Name Types Description
albumId string The album's ID.
options Object The possible options, currently only market.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getAlbums(albumIds, options, callback)

Look up several albums.


Name Types Description
albumIds string[] The IDs of the albums.
options Object The possible options, currently only market.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getAlbumTracks(albumId, callback)

Get the tracks of an album.


Name Types Description
albumId the album's ID.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getArtist(artistId, callback)

Look up an artist.


Name Types Description
artistId string The artist's ID.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getArtistAlbums(artistId, callback)

Get an artist's albums.


Name Types Description
artistId string The artist's ID.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getArtistRelatedArtists(artistId, callback)

Get related artists.


Name Types Description
artistId string The artist's ID.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getArtists(artistIds, callback)

Look up several artists.


Name Types Description
artistIds string[] The IDs of the artists.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getArtistTopTracks(artistId, country, callback)

Get an artist's top tracks.


Name Types Description
artistId string The artist's ID.
country string The country/territory where the tracks are most popular. (format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getAudioAnalysisForTrack(trackId, callback)

Get audio analysis for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID.


Name Types Description
trackId string The track ID
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getAudioFeaturesForTrack(trackId, callback)

Get audio features for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID.


Name Types Description
trackId string The track ID
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getAudioFeaturesForTracks(trackIds, callback)

Get audio features for multiple tracks identified by their unique Spotify ID.


Name Types Description
trackIds string[] The track IDs
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getAvailableGenreSeeds(callback)

Retrieve a list of available genres seed parameter values for recommendations.


Name Types Description
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getCategories(options, callback)

Retrieve a list of categories used to tag items in Spotify (e.g. in the 'Browse' tab)


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being country, locale, limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getCategory(categoryId, options, callback)

Retrieve a category.


Name Types Description
categoryId string The id of the category to retrieve.
options Object Options, being country, locale.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getEpisode(episodeId, options, callback)

Look up an episode.


Name Types Description
episodeId string The episode's ID.
options Object The possible options, currently only market.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getEpisodes(episodeIds, options, callback)

Look up several episodes.


Name Types Description
episodeIds string[] The IDs of the episodes.
options Object The possible options, currently only market.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getFeaturedPlaylists(options, callback)

Retrieve featured playlists


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being country, locale, timestamp, limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getFollowedArtists(options, callback)

Get the current user's followed artists.


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being after and limit.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getMe(callback)

Get information about the user that has signed in (the current user).


Name Types Description
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getMyCurrentPlaybackState(options, callback)

Get Information About The User's Current Playback State


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being market and additional_types.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getMyCurrentPlayingTrack(options, callback)

Get the Current User's Currently Playing Track.


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being market.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getMyDevices(callback)

Get the Current User's Available Devices


Name Types Description
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getMyRecentlyPlayedTracks(options, callback)

Get the Current User's Recently Played Tracks


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being type, after, limit, before.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getMySavedAlbums(options, callback)

Retrieve the albums that are saved to the authenticated users Your Music library.


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being market, limit, and/or offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getMySavedShows(options, callback)

Retrieve the shows that are saved to the authenticated users Your Music library.


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being market, limit, and/or offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getMySavedTracks(options, callback)

Retrieve the tracks that are saved to the authenticated users Your Music library.


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being market, limit, and/or offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getMyTopArtists(options, callback)

Get the current user's top artists based on calculated affinity.


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being time_range, limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getMyTopTracks(options, callback)

Get the current user's top tracks based on calculated affinity.


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being time_range, limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getPlaylist(playlistId, options, callback)

Get a playlist.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID.
options Object The options supplied to this request.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getPlaylistsForCategory(categoryId, options, callback)

Retrieve playlists for a category.


Name Types Description
categoryId string The id of the category to retrieve playlists for.
options Object Options, being country, limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getPlaylistTracks(playlistId, options, callback)

Get tracks in a playlist.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID.
options Object Optional options, such as fields.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getRecommendations(options, callback)

Create a playlist-style listening experience based on seed artists, tracks and genres.


Name Types Description
options Object The options supplied to this request.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getShow(showId, options, callback)

Get a show.


Name Types Description
showId string The show's ID.
options Object The possible options, currently only market.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getShowEpisodes(showId, callback)

Get the episodes of an show.


Name Types Description
showId the show's ID.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getShows(showIds, options, callback)

Look up several shows.


Name Types Description
showIds string[] The IDs of the shows.
options Object The possible options, currently only market.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getTrack(trackId, options, callback)

Look up a track.


Name Types Description
trackId string The track's ID.
options Object The possible options, currently only market.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getTracks(trackIds, options, callback)

Look up several tracks.


Name Types Description
trackIds string[] The IDs of the artists.
options Object The possible options, currently only market.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getUser(userId, callback)

Get information about a user.


Name Types Description
userId The user ID.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# getUserPlaylists(userId, options, callback)

Get a user's playlists.


Name Types Description
userId string An optional id of the user. If you know the Spotify URI it is easy to find the id (e.g. spotify:user:<here_is_the_id>). If not provided, the id of the user that granted the permissions will be used.
options Object The options supplied to this request.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# isFollowingArtists(artistIds, callback)

Check to see if the current user is following one or more artists.


Name Types Description
artistIds string[] The IDs of the artists to check if are followed by the current user.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# isFollowingUsers(userIds, callback)

Check to see if the current user is following one or more other Spotify users.


Name Types Description
userIds string[] The IDs of the users to check if are followed by the current user.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# pause(options, callback)

Pauses the Current User's Playback


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being device_id. If left empty will target the user's currently active device.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# play(options, callback)

Starts o Resumes the Current User's Playback


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being device_id, context_uri, offset, uris, position_ms.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# removeFromMySavedAlbums(albumIds, callback)

Remove an album from the authenticated user's Your Music library.


Name Types Description
albumIds string[] The album IDs
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# removeFromMySavedShows(showIds, callback)

Remove an show from the authenticated user's Your Music library.


Name Types Description
showIds string[] The show IDs
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# removeFromMySavedTracks(trackIds, callback)

Remove a track from the authenticated user's Your Music library.


Name Types Description
trackIds string[] The track IDs
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# removeTracksFromPlaylist(playlistId, tracks, options, callback)

Remove tracks from a playlist.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID
tracks Object[] An array of objects containing a property called uri with the track URI (String), and an optional property called positions (int[]), e.g. { uri : "spotify:track:491rM2JN8KvmV6p0oDDuJT", positions : [0, 15] }
options Object Options, snapshot_id being the only one.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# removeTracksFromPlaylistByPosition(playlistId, positions, snapshot_id, callback)

Remove tracks from a playlist by position instead of specifying the tracks' URIs.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID
positions int[] The positions of the tracks in the playlist that should be removed
snapshot_id string The snapshot ID, or version, of the playlist. Required
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# reorderTracksInPlaylist(playlistId, rangeStart, insertBefore, options, callback)

Reorder tracks in a playlist.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID
rangeStart int The position of the first track to be reordered.
insertBefore int The position where the tracks should be inserted.
options Object Optional parameters, i.e. range_length and snapshot_id.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# replaceTracksInPlaylist(playlistId, uris, callback)

Replace tracks in a playlist.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID
uris Object[] An array of track URIs (strings)
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# search(query, types, options, callback)

Search for music entities of certain types.


Name Types Description
query string The search query.
types string[] An array of item types to search across. Valid types are: 'album', 'artist', 'playlist', 'track', 'show', and 'episode'.
options Object The possible options, e.g. limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# searchAlbums(query, options, callback)

Search for an album.


Name Types Description
query string The search query.
options Object The possible options, e.g. limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# searchArtists(query, options, callback)

Search for an artist.


Name Types Description
query string The search query.
options Object The possible options, e.g. limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# searchEpisodes(query, options, callback)

Search for an episode.


Name Types Description
query string The search query.
options Object The possible options, e.g. limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# searchPlaylists(query, options, callback)

Search for playlists.


Name Types Description
query string The search query.
options Object The possible options.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# searchShows(query, options, callback)

Search for a show.


Name Types Description
query string The search query.
options Object The possible options, e.g. limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# searchTracks(query, options, callback)

Search for a track.


Name Types Description
query string The search query.
options Object The possible options, e.g. limit, offset.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# seek(positionMs, options, callback)

Seeks to the given position in the user’s currently playing track.


Name Types Description
positionMs number The position in milliseconds to seek to. Must be a positive number.
options Object Options, being device_id. If left empty will target the user's currently active device.
callback function(Object,Object) An optional callback that receives 2 parameters. The first one is the error object (null if no error), and the second is the value if the request succeeded.



Null if a callback is provided, a `Promise` object otherwise

# setRepeat(state, options, callback)

Set Repeat Mode On The Current User's Playback


Name Types Description
state string State (track, context, or off)
options Object Options, being device_id. If left empty will target the user's currently active device.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# setShuffle(state, options, callback)

Set Shuffle Mode On The Current User's Playback


Name Types Description
state boolean State
options Object Options, being device_id. If left empty will target the user's currently active device.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# setVolume(volumePercent, options, callback)

Set the volume for the user’s current playback device.


Name Types Description
volumePercent number The volume to set. Must be a value from 0 to 100.
options Object Options, being device_id. If left empty will target the user's currently active device.
callback function(Object,Object) An optional callback that receives 2 parameters. The first one is the error object (null if no error), and the second is the value if the request succeeded.



Null if a callback is provided, a `Promise` object otherwise

# skipToNext(options, callback)

Skip the Current User's Playback To Next Track


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being device_id. If left empty will target the user's currently active device.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# skipToPrevious(options, callback)

Skip the Current User's Playback To Previous Track


Name Types Description
options Object Options, being device_id. If left empty will target the user's currently active device.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# transferMyPlayback(deviceIds, options, callback)

Transfer a User's Playback


Name Types Description
deviceIds string[] An array containing a device ID on which playback should be started/transferred. (NOTE: The API is currently only supporting a single device ID.)
options Object Options, the only one being 'play'.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# unfollowArtists(artistIds, callback)

Remove the current user as a follower of one or more artists.


Name Types Description
artistIds string[] The IDs of the artists to be unfollowed.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# unfollowPlaylist(playlistId, callback)

Unfollow a playlist.


Name Types Description
playlistId string The playlist's ID
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.

# unfollowUsers(userIds, callback)

Remove the current user as a follower of one or more other Spotify users.


Name Types Description
userIds string[] The IDs of the users to be unfollowed.
callback requestCallback Optional callback method to be called instead of the promise.