(master) doxdox documentation server and frontend

# getAllFilesForPullRequest(client, owner, repo, pullNumber)

Returns info about all files changed in a PR (max 3000 results)


Name Types Description
client object hydrated octokit ready to use for GitHub Actions
owner string repo owner
repo string repo name
pullNumber number pull request number

# getChangedFilesBetweenTags(client, owner, repo, baseTag, headTag)

Get a list of files changed betwen two tags for a github repo


Name Types Description
client object hydrated octokit ready to use for GitHub Actions
owner string repo owner
repo string repo name
baseTag string base tag
headTag string head tag

# getLargeJsonAtRef(client, owner, repo, path, ref)

Get large (>1MB) JSON file from git repo on at ref as a json object


Name Types Description
client object Hydrated octokit ready to use for GitHub Actions
owner string Repo owner
repo string Repo name
path string Path of the file in repo relative to root directory
ref string Git refrence (commit, branch, tag)

# _makeBadge()

# makeBadge(format, format.label, format.message, format.labelColor, format.color,, format.logoBase64, format.links)

Create a badge


Name Types Description
format object Object specifying badge data
format.label string (Optional) Badge label (e.g: 'build')
format.message string (Required) Badge message (e.g: 'passing')
format.labelColor string (Optional) Label color
format.color string (Optional) Message color string (Optional) Visual style (e.g: 'flat')
format.logoBase64 string (Optional) Logo data URL
format.links Array (Optional) Links array (e.g: ['', ''])

# constructor(attrs,, attrs.content, attrs.attrs)

Xml Element Constructor


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs string Name of the XML tag
attrs.content Array.<string module:badge-maker/lib/xml~XmlElement>
attrs.attrs object Object representing the tag's attributes as name/value pairs

# ElementList()

Convenience class. Sometimes it is useful to return an object that behaves like an XmlElement but renders multiple XML tags (not wrapped in a ).

# render()

Render the XML element to a string, applying appropriate escaping

# XmlElement()

Representation of an XML element

# _parseJson(buffer)

Parse data from JSON endpoint


Name Types Description
buffer string JSON response from upstream API

# _requestGraphql(attrs, attrs.schema, attrs.url, attrs.query, attrs.variables, attrs.options, attrs.httpErrorMessages, attrs.systemErrors, attrs.logErrors, attrs.transformJson, attrs.transformErrors)

Request data from an upstream GraphQL API, parse it and validate against a schema


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.schema Joi Joi schema to validate the response against
attrs.url string URL to request
attrs.query object Parsed GraphQL object representing the query clause of GraphQL POST body e.g. gql{ query { ... } }
attrs.variables object Variables clause of GraphQL POST body
attrs.options object Options to pass to got. See documentation
attrs.httpErrorMessages object Key-value map of HTTP status codes and custom error messages e.g: { 404: 'package not found' }. This can be used to extend or override the default
attrs.systemErrors object Key-value map of got network exception codes and an object of params to pass when we construct an Inaccessible exception object e.g: { ECONNRESET: { prettyMessage: 'connection reset' } }. See {@link got error codes} for allowed keys and {@link module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps} for allowed values
attrs.logErrors number[] An array of http error codes that will be logged (to sentry, if configured).
attrs.transformJson Function Function which takes the raw json and transforms it before further processing. In case of multiple query in a single graphql call and few of them throw error, partial data might be used ignoring the error.
attrs.transformErrors Function Function which takes an errors object from a GraphQL response and returns an instance of ShieldsRuntimeError. The default is to return the first entry of the errors array as an InvalidResponse.

# BaseGraphqlService()

Services which query a GraphQL endpoint should extend BaseGraphqlService

# printer.js()

# _parseJson(buffer)

Parse data from JSON endpoint


Name Types Description
buffer string JSON response from upstream API

# _requestJson(attrs, attrs.schema, attrs.url, attrs.options, attrs.httpErrors, attrs.systemErrors, attrs.logErrors)

Request data from an upstream API serving JSON, parse it and validate against a schema


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.schema Joi Joi schema to validate the response against
attrs.url string URL to request
attrs.options object Options to pass to got. See documentation
attrs.httpErrors object Key-value map of status codes and custom error messages e.g: { 404: 'package not found' }. This can be used to extend or override the default
attrs.systemErrors object Key-value map of got network exception codes and an object of params to pass when we construct an Inaccessible exception object e.g: { ECONNRESET: { prettyMessage: 'connection reset' } }. See {@link got error codes} for allowed keys and {@link module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps} for allowed values
attrs.logErrors number[] An array of http error codes that will be logged (to sentry, if configured).

# base.js()

# BaseJsonService()

Services which query a JSON endpoint should extend BaseJsonService

# _requestSvg(attrs, attrs.schema, attrs.valueMatcher, attrs.url, attrs.options, attrs.httpErrors, attrs.systemErrors, attrs.logErrors)

Request data from an endpoint serving SVG, parse a value from it and validate against a schema


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.schema Joi Joi schema to validate the response against
attrs.valueMatcher RegExp RegExp to match the value we want to parse from the SVG
attrs.url string URL to request
attrs.options object Options to pass to got. See documentation
attrs.httpErrors object Key-value map of status codes and custom error messages e.g: { 404: 'package not found' }. This can be used to extend or override the default
attrs.systemErrors object Key-value map of got network exception codes and an object of params to pass when we construct an Inaccessible exception object e.g: { ECONNRESET: { prettyMessage: 'connection reset' } }. See {@link got error codes} for allowed keys and {@link module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps} for allowed values
attrs.logErrors number[] An array of http error codes that will be logged (to sentry, if configured).

# BaseSvgScrapingService()

Services which scrape data from another SVG badge should extend BaseSvgScrapingService


# valueFromSvgBadge(svg, valueMatcher)

Extract a value from SVG


Name Types Description
svg string SVG to parse
valueMatcher RegExp RegExp to match the value we want to parse from the SVG

# _requestToml(attrs, attrs.schema, attrs.url, attrs.options, attrs.httpErrors, attrs.systemErrors, attrs.logErrors)

Request data from an upstream API serving TOML, parse it and validate against a schema


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.schema Joi Joi schema to validate the response against
attrs.url string URL to request
attrs.options object Options to pass to got. See documentation
attrs.httpErrors object Key-value map of status codes and custom error messages e.g: { 404: 'package not found' }. This can be used to extend or override the default
attrs.systemErrors object Key-value map of got network exception codes and an object of params to pass when we construct an Inaccessible exception object e.g: { ECONNRESET: { prettyMessage: 'connection reset' } }. See {@link got error codes} for allowed keys and {@link module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps} for allowed values
attrs.logErrors number[] An array of http error codes that will be logged (to sentry, if configured).

# BaseTomlService()

Services which query a TOML endpoint should extend BaseTomlService

# _requestXml(attrs, attrs.schema, attrs.url, attrs.options, attrs.httpErrors, attrs.systemErrors, attrs.logErrors, attrs.parserOptions)

Request data from an upstream API serving XML, parse it and validate against a schema


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.schema Joi Joi schema to validate the response against
attrs.url string URL to request
attrs.options object Options to pass to got. See documentation
attrs.httpErrors object Key-value map of status codes and custom error messages e.g: { 404: 'package not found' }. This can be used to extend or override the default
attrs.systemErrors object Key-value map of got network exception codes and an object of params to pass when we construct an Inaccessible exception object e.g: { ECONNRESET: { prettyMessage: 'connection reset' } }. See {@link got error codes} for allowed keys and {@link module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps} for allowed values
attrs.logErrors number[] An array of http error codes that will be logged (to sentry, if configured).
attrs.parserOptions object Options to pass to fast-xml-parser. See documentation

# BaseXmlService()

Services which query a XML endpoint should extend BaseXmlService


# _requestYaml(attrs, attrs.schema, attrs.url, attrs.options, attrs.httpErrors, attrs.systemErrors, attrs.logErrors, attrs.encoding)

Request data from an upstream API serving YAML, parse it and validate against a schema


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.schema Joi Joi schema to validate the response against
attrs.url string URL to request
attrs.options object Options to pass to got. See documentation
attrs.httpErrors object Key-value map of status codes and custom error messages e.g: { 404: 'package not found' }. This can be used to extend or override the default
attrs.systemErrors object Key-value map of got network exception codes and an object of params to pass when we construct an Inaccessible exception object e.g: { ECONNRESET: { prettyMessage: 'connection reset' } }. See {@link got error codes} for allowed keys and {@link module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps} for allowed values
attrs.logErrors number[] An array of http error codes that will be logged (to sentry, if configured).
attrs.encoding object Character encoding

# BaseYamlService()

Services which query a YAML endpoint should extend BaseYamlService

# BaseService()

Abstract base class which all service classes inherit from. Concrete implementations of BaseService must implement the methods category(), route() and handle(namedParams, queryParams)

# category()

Name of the category to sort this badge into (eg. "build"). Used to sort the badges on the main website.


# eService()

# getEnum(param)

Extract an array of allowed values from this service's route pattern for a given route parameter


Name Types Description
param string The name of a param in this service's route pattern

# handle(namedParams, queryParams)

Asynchronous function to handle requests for this service. Take the route parameters (as defined in the route property), perform a request using this._requestFetcher, and return the badge data.


Name Types Description
namedParams object Params parsed from route pattern defined in this.route.pattern or this.route.capture
queryParams object Params parsed from the query string

# route()

Route to mount this service on

# constructor(props, message)


Name Types Description
props module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps Refer to individual attrs
message string Exception message for debug purposes

# constructor(props)


Name Types Description
props module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps Refer to individual attrs

# constructor(props)


Name Types Description
props module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps Refer to individual attrs

# constructor(props)


Name Types Description
props module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps Refer to individual attrs

# constructor(props)


Name Types Description
props module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps Refer to individual attrs

# constructor(props)


Name Types Description
props module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps Refer to individual attrs

# constructor(props)


Name Types Description
props module:core/base-service/errors~RuntimeErrorProps Refer to individual attrs

# defaultPrettyMessage()

Default message for this exception if none is specified. Implementations of ShieldsRuntimeError should implement this method.

# Deprecated()

Throw this error to indicate that a service is deprecated or removed

# ImproperlyConfigured()

Throw this error when required credentials are missing

# Inaccessible()

Throw this if we can't contact an upstream API or to wrap a 5XX response

# InvalidParameter()

Throw this error when a user supplied input or parameter is invalid or unexpected

# InvalidResponse()

Throw this to wrap an invalid or unexpected response from an upstream API

# name()

Name of the class. Implementations of ShieldsRuntimeError should override this method.

# NotFound()

Throw this to wrap a 404 or other 'not found' response from an upstream API

# ShieldsRuntimeError()

Base error class

# mergeQueries(queries)

Utility function to merge two graphql queries together This is basically copied from graphql-query-merge but can't use that due to incorrect packaging.


Name Types Description
queries ...object queries to merge

# baseUrl()

Functions for publishing the URL schema as an OpenAPI Document

# pathParam(param)

Helper function for assembling an OpenAPI path parameter object


Name Types Description
param module:core/base-service/openapi~PathParamInput Input param

# pathParams(params)

Helper function for assembling an array of OpenAPI path parameter objects The code const params = pathParams( { name: 'name1', example: 'example1' }, { name: 'name2', example: 'example2' }, ) is equivalent to const params = [ pathParam({ name: 'name1', example: 'example1' }), pathParam({ name: 'name2', example: 'example2' }), ]


Name Types Description
params ...module:core/base-service/openapi~PathParamInput Input params

# queryParam(param)

Helper function for assembling an OpenAPI query parameter object


Name Types Description
param module:core/base-service/openapi~QueryParamInput Input param

# queryParams(params)

Helper function for assembling an array of OpenAPI query parameter objects The code const params = queryParams( { name: 'name1', example: 'example1' }, { name: 'name2', example: 'example2' }, ) is equivalent to const params = [ queryParam({ name: 'name1', example: 'example1' }), queryParam({ name: 'name2', example: 'example2' }), ]


Name Types Description
params ...module:core/base-service/openapi~QueryParamInput Input params

# errors.js()

# getCachedResource(attrs, attrs.url, attrs.ttl, attrs.json, attrs.scraper, attrs.options, attrs.requestFetcher)

Make a HTTP request using an in-memory cache


Name Types Description
attrs object - Refer to individual attrs
attrs.url string - URL to request
attrs.ttl number - Number of milliseconds to keep cached value for
attrs.json boolean - True if we expect to parse the response as JSON
attrs.scraper Function - Function to extract value from the response
attrs.options object - Options to pass to got
attrs.requestFetcher Function - Custom fetch function

# openApiSchema()

Joi schema describing the subset of OpenAPI paths we use in this application

# createNumRequestCounter(attrs, attrs.category, attrs.serviceFamily,


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.category string e.g: 'build'
attrs.serviceFamily string e.g: 'npm' string e.g: 'NpmVersion'

# constructor(config)

Badge Server Constructor


Name Types Description
config object Configuration object read from config yaml files by and validated against publicConfigSchema and privateConfigSchema

# registerErrorHandlers()

Set up Scoutcamp routes for 404/not found responses

# registerRedirects()

Set up a couple of redirects: One for the raster badges. Another to redirect the base URL / (we use this to redirect {@link} to {@link} )

# registerServices()

Iterate all the service classes defined in /services, load each service and register a Scoutcamp route for each service.

# Server()

The Server is based on the web framework Scoutcamp. It creates an http server, sets up helpers for token persistence and monitoring. Then it loads all the services, injecting dependencies as it asks each one to register its route with Scoutcamp.

# start()

Start the HTTP server: Bootstrap Scoutcamp, Register handlers, Start listening for requests on this.baseUrl()

# stop()

Stop the HTTP server and clean up helpers

# createServiceTester()

Automatically create a ServiceTester. When run from e.g. gem-rank.tester.js, this will create a tester that attaches to the service found in gem-rank.service.js. This can't be used for .service.js files which export more than one service.

# factory(superclass)

Factory which wraps an "icedfrisby-nock" with some additional functionality: - check if a request was intercepted - set expectations on the badge JSON response


Name Types Description
superclass Function class to extend

# beforeEach()

Function to invoke before each test. This is a stub which can be overridden on instances.

# loader.js()

# only(services)

Limit the test run to the specified services.


Name Types Description
services string[] An array of service id prefixes to run

# prepare()

Prepare the runner by loading up all the ServiceTester objects.

# Runner()

Load a collection of ServiceTester objects and register them with Mocha.

# toss()

Register the tests with Mocha.

# beforeEach()

Invoked before each test. This is a stub which can be overridden on instances.

# constructor(attrs,, attrs.title, attrs.pathPrefix)

Service Tester Constructor


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs string Specifies which tests to run from the CLI or pull requests
attrs.title string Prints in the Mocha output
attrs.pathPrefix string Prefix which is automatically prepended to each tested URI. The default is /${}.

# create(msg)

Create a new test. The hard work is delegated to IcedFrisby. {@link} Note: The caller should not invoke toss() on the Frisby chain, as it's invoked automatically by the tester.


Name Types Description
msg string The name of the test

# eUrl(attrs, attrs.baseUrl, attrs.skipIntercepted, attrs.retry, attrs.retry.count, attrs.retry.backoff)

Register the tests with Mocha.


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.baseUrl string base URL for test server
attrs.skipIntercepted boolean skip tests which intercept requests
attrs.retry object retry configuration
attrs.retry.count number number of times to retry test
attrs.retry.backoff number number of milliseconds to add to the wait between each retry

# only()

Run only this tester. This can be invoked using the --only argument to the CLI, or directly on the tester.

# s(ServiceClass)

Construct a ServiceTester instance for a single service class


Name Types Description
ServiceClass Function A class that extends base-service/base.BaseService

# ServiceTester()

Encapsulate a suite of tests. Create new tests using create() and register them with Mocha using toss().

# lodash.difference()

# servicesForTitle(title)

Given a pull request title like '[Travis Sonar] Support user token authentication' extract the list of service names in square brackets as an array of strings.


Name Types Description
title string Pull Request title

# add(id, data, usesRemaining, nextReset)

Add a token with user-provided ID and data.


Name Types Description
id string token string
data * reserved for future use
usesRemaining number Number of uses remaining until the token is exhausted
nextReset number Time when the token can be used again even if it's exhausted (unix timestamp)

# compareTokens(first, second)



Name Types Description
first module:core/token-pooling/token-pool~Token first token to compare
second module:core/token-pooling/token-pool~Token second token to compare

# constructor(id, data, usesRemaining, nextReset)

Token Constructor


Name Types Description
id string token string
data * reserved for future use
usesRemaining number Number of uses remaining until the token is exhausted
nextReset number Time when the token can be used again even if it's exhausted (unix timestamp)

# constructor(batchSize)

TokenPool Constructor


Name Types Description
batchSize number The maximum number of times we use each token before moving on to the next one.

# forEach(callback)

Iterate over all valid tokens.


Name Types Description
callback Function function to execute on each valid token

# freeze()

Freeze the uses remaining and next reset values. Helpful for keeping stable ordering for a valid priority queue.

# invalidate()

Indicate that the token should no longer be used.

# next()

Obtain the next available token, returning null if no tokens are available. Tokens are initially pulled from a FIFO queue. The first token is used for a batch of requests, then returned to the queue to give those requests the opportunity to complete. The next token is used for the next batch of requests. This strategy allows a token to be used for concurrent requests, not just sequential request, and simplifies token recovery after errored and timed out requests. By the time the original token re-emerges, its requests should have long since completed. Even if a couple them are still running, they can reasonably be ignored. The uses remaining won't be 100% correct, but that's fine, because Shields uses only 75% The process continues until an exhausted token is pulled from the FIFO queue. At that time it's placed in the priority queue based on its scheduled reset time. To ensure the priority queue works as intended, the scheduled reset time is frozen then. After obtaining a token using next(), invoke update() on it to set a new use-remaining count and next-reset time. Invoke invalidate() to indicate it should not be reused.

# sanitizeToken(id)

Compute a one-way hash of the input string.


Name Types Description
id string token

# Token()

Encapsulate a rate-limited token, with a user-provided ID and user-provided data. Each token has a notion of the number of uses remaining until exhausted, and the next reset time, when it can be used again even if it's exhausted.

# TokenPool()

Encapsulate a collection of rate-limited tokens and choose the next available token when one is needed. Designed for the Github API, though may be also useful with other rate- limited APIs.

# unfreeze()

Unfreeze the uses remaining and next reset values.

# update(usesRemaining, nextReset)

Update the uses remaining and next reset time for a token.


Name Types Description
usesRemaining number Number of uses remaining until the token is exhausted
nextReset number Time when the token can be used again even if it's exhausted (unix timestamp)

# isBuildStatus()

Joi schema for validating Build Status. Checks if the build status is present in the list of allowed build status.

# renderBuildStatusBadge(attrs, attrs.label, attrs.status)

Handles rendering concerns of badges that display build status. Determines the message and color of the badge according to the build status.


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attributes
attrs.label string If provided then badge label is set to this value
attrs.status string Build status

# age(date, reversed)

Determines the color used for a badge according to the age. Age is calculated as days elapsed till current date. The color varies from bright green to red as the age increases or the other way around if reverse is given true.


Name Types Description
date string Date string
reversed boolean Reverse the color scale a.k.a. the older, the better

# colorScale(steps, colors, reversed)

Creates a callback function that determines badge color from the colors array. If the colors array is provided then for n steps, there should be n + 1 color. If the colors array is not provided then it is chosen from the default colors array according to the size of the steps array.


Name Types Description
steps number[] Steps array
colors string[] Colors array. If provided, should be of length steps.length + 1
reversed boolean If true then the colors array will be considered in reverse order

# coveragePercentage(percentage)

Determines the color used for a badge by comparing percentage and floor values. The color varies from red to bright green as the percentage increases.


Name Types Description
percentage number Percentage value

# downloadCount(downloads)

Determines the color used for a badge by comparing the download count and floor values. The color varies from red to bright green as the download count increases.


Name Types Description
downloads number Download count

# floorCount(value, yellow, yellowgreen, green)

Determines the color used for a badge by comparing the value and floor count values. The color can vary from red to bright green depending on the range the value lies in. Decreasing the value will shift the color towards red. Increasing the value will shift the color towards bright green.


Name Types Description
value number Current value
yellow number Yellow color threshold, should be greater than 0
yellowgreen number Yellowgreen color threshold, should be greater than yellow
green number Green color threshold, should be greater than yellowgreen

# letterScore(score)

Determines the color used for a badge by matching score with grade values. The color varies from bright green to red as the score decreases. The score can be one of the following grade value: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']. The color defaults to red if the score does not matches with any of the grade values.


Name Types Description
score string Score value

# pep440VersionColor(version)

Determines the color used for a badge based on PEP440 versioning.


Name Types Description
version string number

# version(version)

Determines the color used for a badge based on version.


Name Types Description
version string number

# contributorColor(contributorCount)

Determines the color used for a badge based on the contributor count. The color varies from red to bright green as the contributor count increases.


Name Types Description
contributorCount number Contributor count

# formatters.js()

Common functions and utilities for tasks related to contributor count.

# renderContributorBadge(attrs, attrs.label, attrs.contributorCount)

Handles rendering concerns of badges that display contributor count. Determines the message and color of the badge according to the contributor count.


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attributes
attrs.label string If provided then badge label is set to this value
attrs.contributorCount number Contributor count

# formatters.js()

# renderDownloadsBadge(attrs, attrs.downloads, attrs.interval, attrs.version, attrs.labelOverride, attrs.colorOverride, attrs.messageSuffixOverride, attrs.versionedLabelPrefix)

Handles rendering concerns of badges that display download counts, with override/customization support


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.downloads number Number of downloads
attrs.interval string Period or interval the downloads occurred (e.g. day, week, month). If provided then this Will be reflected in the badge message unless overridden by other message-related parameters
attrs.version string Version or tag that was downloaded which will be reflected in the badge label (unless the label is overridden)
attrs.labelOverride string If provided then the badge label is set to this value overriding any other label-related parameters
attrs.colorOverride string If provided then the badge color is set to this value instead of the color being based on the count of downloads
attrs.messageSuffixOverride string If provided then the badge message will will have this value added to the download count, separated with a space
attrs.versionedLabelPrefix string If provided then the badge label will use this value as the prefix for versioned badges, e.g. [email protected]. Defaults to 'downloads'

# compoundValueSchema()

Joi schema for validating compound value. Checks if the compound value is of type individualValueSchema, array of individualValueSchema or empty array.

# httpErrors()

Map of error codes and their corresponding error messages.

# individualValueSchema()

Joi schema for validating individual value. Checks if the individual value is of type string or number.

# renderDynamicBadge(attrs, attrs.defaultLabel, attrs.tag, attrs.value, attrs.prefix, attrs.suffix)

Handles rendering concerns of dynamic badges. Determines the label of the badge according to the tag and defaultLabel. Determines the message of the badge according to the prefix, suffix and value. Sets the color of the badge to blue.


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attributes
attrs.defaultLabel string default badge label
attrs.tag string If provided then this value will be appended to the badge label, e.g. [email protected]
attrs.value any Value or array of value to be used for the badge message
attrs.prefix string If provided then the badge message will use this value as a prefix
attrs.suffix string If provided then the badge message will use this value as a suffix

# transformAndValidate(attrs,, attrs.key)

Look up the value in the data object by key and validate the value against compoundValueSchema.


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attributes object Object containing the data for validation
attrs.key string Key to retrieve the data from object for validation

# fetch(attrs, attrs.schema, attrs.url, attrs.httpErrors)

Request data from an upstream API, transform it to JSON and validate against a schema


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.schema Joi Joi schema to validate the response transformed to JSON
attrs.url string URL to request
attrs.httpErrors object Key-value map of status codes and custom error messages e.g: { 404: 'package not found' }. This can be used to extend or override the default

# s(superclass)

Dynamic service class factory which wraps {@link module:core/base-service/base~BaseService} with support of {@link|JSONPath}.


Name Types Description
superclass Function class to extend

# endpointSchema()

Joi schema for validating endpoint.

# fetchEndpointData(serviceInstance, attrs, attrs.url, attrs.httpErrors, attrs.validationPrettyErrorMessage, attrs.includeKeys)

Fetches data from the endpoint and validates the data.


Name Types Description
serviceInstance object Instance of Endpoint class
attrs object Refer to individual attributes
attrs.url string Endpoint URL
attrs.httpErrors object Object containing error messages for different error codes
attrs.validationPrettyErrorMessage string If provided then the error message is set to this value
attrs.includeKeys boolean If true then includes error details in error message

# validateEndpointData(data, attrs, attrs.prettyErrorMessage, attrs.includeKeys)

Strictly validate the data according to the endpoint schema. This rejects unknown/invalid keys. Optionally it prints those keys in the message to provide detailed feedback.


Name Types Description
data object Object containing the data for validation
attrs object Refer to individual attributes
attrs.prettyErrorMessage string If provided then error message is set to this value
attrs.includeKeys boolean If true then includes error details in error message, defaults to false

# FreeCodeCampPoints()

This badge displays the total number of points a student has accumulated from completing challenges on freeCodeCamp.

# schema()

Validates that the schema response is what we're expecting. The username pattern should match the requirements in the freeCodeCamp repository.

# t.create()

Opened issue number case

# t.create()

Closed issue number case

# t.create()

All issue number case

# t.create()

Opened pulls number case

# t.create()

Closed pulls number case

# t.create()

All pulls number case

# clock()

# validateAffiliations(value, helpers)

Validates affiliations should contain combination of allowed values in any order.


Name Types Description
value string affiliation current value
helpers * object to construct custom error

# t.create()

Opened issue number case

# t.create()

Closed issue number case

# t.create()

All issue number case

# t.create()

Opened issue number case

# t.create()

Closed issue number case

# t.create()

All issue number case

# array.js()

Common functions and utilities for tasks related to license badges.

# licenseToColor(licenses)

Maps the license to its corresponding color and priority and sorts the list of mapped licenses by priority.


Name Types Description
licenses string string[]

# licenseToColorMap()

Mapping of licenses to their corresponding color and priority.

# renderLicenseBadge(attrs, attrs.license, attrs.licenses, attrs.color)

Handles rendering concerns of license badges. Determines the message of the badge by joining the licenses in a comma-separated format. Sets the badge color to the provided value, if not provided then the color is used from licenseToColorMap.


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attributes
attrs.license string License to render, required if badge contains only one license
attrs.licenses string[] List of licenses to render, required if badge contains multiple licenses
attrs.color string If provided then the badge will use this color value

# formatters.js()

Utilities relating to Lua 'rocks' version numbers. This compares version numbers using the algorithm followed by luarocks command-line utility. Some specific things about LuaRocks package versioning: 1. A version string consists of two parts: the package version (version of the package code) and the revision of rockspec file > version (string, mandatory field) - the version of the package, plus a suffix indicating the revision of the rockspec. Example: "2.0.1-1" 2. The package version (the first part of the LuaRocks version, the part before dash) can be anything, SemVer is not mandatory and is not used very often. Non-digit versions are not rare: scm, dev, alpha, etc. 3. scm (or cvs) is used to indicate dev version built from VCS (e.g. "scm-1"). dev version string is also used sometimes, and I don't know what the difference. 4. LuaRocks API does not tell you which version is the “latest”, and the package maintainer cannot mark a specific version as the latest. You should figure out it yourself.

# getColor(attrs, attrs.status)

Return color for active, maintenance and archived statuses, which were the three example keywords used in Netflix's open-source meetup. See Other keywords are possible, but will appear in grey.


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.status string Specifies the current maintenance status

# getDependencyVersion(attrs, attrs.kind, attrs.wantedDependency, attrs.dependencies, attrs.devDependencies, attrs.peerDependencies, attrs.optionalDependencies)

Determines the dependency version based on the dependency type.


Name Types Description
attrs object - Refer to individual attributes
attrs.kind string - Wanted dependency type, defaults to prod
attrs.wantedDependency string - Name of the wanted dependency
attrs.dependencies object - Map of dependencies
attrs.devDependencies object - Map of dev dependencies
attrs.peerDependencies object - Map of peer dependencies
attrs.optionalDependencies object - Map of optional dependencies

# isDependencyMap()

Joi schema for validating dependency map.

# isPackageJsonWithDependencies()

Joi schema for validating package json object. Checks if the object has all the dependency types and the dependency types are valid.

# e(versions, includePrereleases)

Find the object representation of the latest release.


Name Types Description
versions object[] An array of object representing a version.
includePrereleases boolean Includes pre-release semver for the search.

# expandPackageVersions(json, packageName)

Extract the array of minified versions of the given packageName, expand them back to their original format then return.


Name Types Description
json object The response of Packagist v2 API.
packageName string The package name.

# fetchByJsonAPI(attrs, attrs.user, attrs.repo, attrs.schema, attrs.server)

It is highly recommended to use base fetch method! JSON API includes additional information about downloads, dependents count, github info, etc. However, responses from JSON API are cached for twelve hours by packagist servers, so data fetch from this method might be outdated. For more information please refer to


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.user string package user
attrs.repo string package repository
attrs.schema Joi Joi schema to validate the response transformed to JSON
attrs.server string URL for the packagist registry server (Optional)

#, attrs.user, attrs.repo, attrs.schema, attrs.server)

Default fetch method. This method utilizes composer metadata API which "... is the preferred way to access the data as it is always up to date, and dumped to static files so it is very efficient on our end." (comment from official documentation). For more information please refer to


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.user string package user
attrs.repo string package repository
attrs.schema Joi Joi schema to validate the response transformed to JSON
attrs.server string URL for the packagist registry server (Optional)

#, attrs.user, attrs.repo, attrs.schema, attrs.server)

Fetch dev releases method. This method utilizes composer metadata API which "... is the preferred way to access the data as it is always up to date, and dumped to static files so it is very efficient on our end." (comment from official documentation). For more information please refer to


Name Types Description
attrs object Refer to individual attrs
attrs.user string package user
attrs.repo string package repository
attrs.schema Joi Joi schema to validate the response transformed to JSON
attrs.server string URL for the packagist registry server (Optional)

# asciiVersionCompare(v1, v2)

Return a negative value if v1 < v2, zero if v1 = v2, a positive value otherwise.


Name Types Description
v1 string - First version for comparison
v2 string - Second version for comparison

# compare(v1, v2)

Compares two versions and return an integer based on the result. See and


Name Types Description
v1 string - First version
v2 string - Second version

# getPhpReleases(githubApiProvider)

Fetches the PHP release versions from cache if exists, else fetch from the source url and save in cache.


Name Types Description
githubApiProvider object - Github API provider

# got.js()

Utilities relating to PHP version numbers. This compares version numbers using the algorithm followed by Composer (see

# isStable(version)

Determines if a version is stable or not.


Name Types Description
version string - Version number

# latest(versions)

Determines the latest version from a list of versions.


Name Types Description
versions string[] - List of versions

# minorVersion(version)

Checks if a version is valid and returns the minor version.


Name Types Description
version string - Version number

# numberedVersionData(version)

Take a version without the starting v. eg, '1.0.x-beta' Return { numbers: [1,0,something big], modifier: 2, modifierCount: 1 }


Name Types Description
version string - Version number string

# toNum(s)

Try to convert to a list of numbers.


Name Types Description
s string - Version number string

# versionReduction(versions, phpReleases)

Reduces the list of php versions that intersect with release versions to a version range (for eg. '5.4 - 7.1', '>= 5.5').


Name Types Description
versions string[] - List of php versions
phpReleases string[] - List of php release versions

# getDependencyVersion(attrs, attrs.kind, attrs.wantedDependency, attrs.lockfileData)

Determines the dependency version based on the dependency type.


Name Types Description
attrs object - Refer to individual attributes
attrs.kind string - Wanted dependency type ('dev' or 'default'), defaults to 'default'
attrs.wantedDependency string - Name of the wanted dependency
attrs.lockfileData object - Object containing lock file data

# isDependency()

Joi schema for validating dependency.

# isLockfile()

Joi schema for validating lock file object. Checks if the lock file object has required properties and the properties are valid.

# array.js()

Common functions and utilities for tasks related to route building

# e(attrs, attrs.base)

Creates a RouteBuilder object.


Name Types Description
attrs object - Refer to individual attributes
attrs.base string - Base URL, defaults to ''

# format()

Get the format components separated by '/'

# push(format, capture)

Saves the format and capture values in the RouteBuilder instance.


Name Types Description
format string - Pattern based on path-to-regex, for example: (?:(.+)\.)?${serviceBaseUrl}
capture string - Value to capture

# toObject()

Returns a new object based on RouteBuilder instance containing its base, format and capture properties.

# BaseSteamAPI()

The steam api is based like /{interface}/{method}/v{version}/

# index.js()

# interf()

Steam API Interface

# method()

Steam API Method

# version()

Steam API Version

# fakeJwtToken()

Generate a fake JWT Token valid for 1 hour for use in testing.

# generateFakeConfig(serviceClass, fakeKey, fakeUser, fakeauthorizedOrigins)

Generates a configuration object with a fake key based on the provided class. For use in auth tests where a config with a test key is required.


Name Types Description
serviceClass BaseService - The class to generate configuration for.
fakeKey string - The fake key to be used in the configuration.
fakeUser string - Optional, The fake user to be used in the configuration.
fakeauthorizedOrigins string - authorizedOrigins to add to config.

# getBadgeExampleCall(serviceClass)

Retrieves an example set of parameters for invoking a service class using OpenAPI example of that class.


Name Types Description
serviceClass BaseService The service class containing OpenAPI specifications.

# getServiceClassAuthOrigin(serviceClass)

Returns the first auth origin found for a provided service class.


Name Types Description
serviceClass BaseService The service class to find the authorized origins.

# testAuth(serviceClass, authMethod, dummyResponse, options, options.contentType, options.apiHeaderKey, options.bearerHeaderKey, options.queryUserKey, options.queryPassKey, options.jwtLoginEndpoint)

Test authentication of a badge for it's first OpenAPI example using a provided dummyResponse and authentication method.


Name Types Description
serviceClass BaseService The service class tested.
authMethod 'BasicAuth' 'ApiKeyHeader'
dummyResponse object An object containing the dummy response by the server.
options object - Additional options for non default keys and content-type of the dummy response.
options.contentType 'application/xml' 'application/json'
options.apiHeaderKey string - Non default header for ApiKeyHeader auth.
options.bearerHeaderKey string - Non default bearer header prefix for BearerAuthHeader.
options.queryUserKey string - QueryStringAuth user key.
options.queryPassKey string - QueryStringAuth pass key.
options.jwtLoginEndpoint string - jwtAuth Login endpoint.

# isMetricWithPattern(nestedRegexp)


Name Types Description
nestedRegexp RegExp Pattern that must appear after the metric.

# addv(version)

Add a starting v to the version unless it doesn't starts with a digit or is a date (yyyy-mm-dd) For example, addv("1.2.3") returns "v1.2.3", but addv("hello") or addv("2021-10-31"), returns "hello" and "2021-10-31" respectively.


Name Types Description
version string - Version string

# currencyFromCode(code)

Converts the ISO 4217 code to the corresponding currency symbol. If the the symbol for the code is not found, then the code itself is returned.


Name Types Description
code string - ISO 4217 code

# formatDate(d)

Returns a formatted date string without the year based on the value of input date param d.


Name Types Description
d Date string

# formatRelativeDate(timestamp)

Returns a relative date from the input timestamp. For example, day after tomorrow's timestamp will return 'in 2 days'.


Name Types Description
timestamp number string

# maybePluralize(singular, countable, plural)

Returns a string that is either the singular or the plural form of a word, depending on the length of the countable parameter.


Name Types Description
singular string - Singular form of the word
countable string[] - Array of values you want to count
plural string - Plural form of the word

# metric(n)

Given a number (positive or negative), returns a string with appropriate unit in the metric system, SI. Note: numbers beyond the peta- cannot be represented as integers in JS. For example, if you call metric(1000), it will return "1k", which means one kilo or one thousand.


Name Types Description
n number - Input number

# omitv(version)

Remove the starting v in a string if it exists. For example, omitv("v1.2.3") returns "1.2.3", but omitv("hello") returns "hello".


Name Types Description
version string - Version string

# ordinalNumber(n)

Calculates the ordinal number of the given number. For example, if the input is 1, the output is “1ˢᵗ”.


Name Types Description
n number - Input number

# starRating(rating, max)

Creates a string of stars and empty stars based on the rating. The number of stars is determined by the integer part of the rating. An additional star or a three-quarter star or a half star or a quarter star is added based on the decimal part of the rating. The remaining stars are empty stars until the maximum number of stars is reached.


Name Types Description
rating number - Current rating
max number - Maximum rating

# BaseThunderstoreService()

Services which query Thunderstore endpoints should extend BaseThunderstoreService

# fetchPackageMetrics(pkg, pkg.namespace, pkg.packageName)

Fetches package metrics from the Thunderstore API.


Name Types Description
pkg object - Package specifier
pkg.namespace string - the package namespace
pkg.packageName string - the package name

# handle(pkg, pkg.namespace, pkg.packageName)


Name Types Description
pkg object - Package specifier
pkg.namespace string - the package namespace
pkg.packageName string - the package name

# handle(pkg, pkg.namespace, pkg.packageName)


Name Types Description
pkg object - Package specifier
pkg.namespace string - the package namespace
pkg.packageName string - the package name

# handle(pkg, pkg.namespace, pkg.packageName)


Name Types Description
pkg object - Package specifier
pkg.namespace string - the package namespace
pkg.packageName string - the package name

# anyInteger()

Joi validator that checks if a value is a number, an integer and the value must be present.

# fileSize()

Joi validator for a file size we are going to pass to bytes.parse see

# nonNegativeInteger()

Joi validator that checks if a value is a number, an integer, greater than or equal to zero and the value must be present.

# optionalDottedVersionNClausesWithOptionalSuffix()

Joi validator that checks if a value is a string that matches a regular expression. The regular expression matches strings that start with one or more digits, followed by zero or more groups of a dot and one or more digits, followed by an optional suffix that starts with a dash or a plus sign and can contain any characters. This validator can be used to validate properties that can be version strings with an optional suffix or absent. For example, some valid values for this validator are: 1, 1.0, 1.0.0, 1.0.0-beta Some invalid values for this validator are: abc, 1.a, 1.0-, .1

# optionalNonNegativeInteger()

Joi validator that checks if a value is a number, an integer, and greater than or equal to zero.

# optionalUrl()

Joi validator that checks if a value is a URL TODO: This accepts URLs with query strings and fragments, which for some purposes should be rejected.

# relativeUri()

Joi validator that checks if a value is a relative-only URI

# semver()

Joi validator that checks if a value is a valid semantic versioning string and the value must be present.

# semverRange()

Joi validator that checks if a value is a valid semantic versioning range and the value must be present.

# compareDottedVersion(v1, v2)

Compares two strings representing version numbers lexicographically and returns an integer value.


Name Types Description
v1 string - The first version to compare
v2 string - The second version to compare

# latest(versions, options, options.pre)

Finds the largest version number lexicographically or semantically from an array of strings representing version numbers and returns it as a string. latest() is looser than latestMaybeSemVer() as it will attempt to make sense of anything, falling back to alphabetic sorting. We should ideally prefer latest() over latestMaybeSemVer() when adding version badges.


Name Types Description
versions string[] - The array of version numbers to compare
options object - An optional object that contains additional options
options.pre boolean - Whether to include pre-release versions or not, defaults to false

# latestDottedVersion(versions)

Finds the largest version number lexicographically from an array of strings representing version numbers and returns it as a string.


Name Types Description
versions string[] - The array of version numbers to compare

# latestMaybeSemVer(versions, pre)

Finds the largest version number lexicographically or semantically from an array of strings representing version numbers and returns it as a string. latestMaybeSemVer() is used for versions that match some kind of dotted version pattern.


Name Types Description
versions string[] - The array of version numbers to compare
pre boolean - Whether to include pre-release versions or not

# listCompare(a, b)

Compares two arrays of numbers lexicographically and returns an integer value.


Name Types Description
a number[] - The first array to compare
b number[] - The second array to compare

# rangeStart(v)

Returns the start of the range that matches a given version string.


Name Types Description
v string - A version string that follows the Semantic Versioning specification. The function will accept and coerce invalid versions into valid ones.

# renderVersionBadge(options, options.version, options.tag, options.defaultLabel, options.versionFormatter)

Creates a badge object that displays information about a version number. It should usually be used to output a version badge.


Name Types Description
options object - An object that contains the options for the badge
options.version string - The version number to display on the badge
options.tag string - The tag to display on the badge, such as "alpha" or "beta"
options.defaultLabel string - The default label to display on the badge, such as "npm" or "github"
options.versionFormatter Function - The function to use to format the color of the badge based on the version number

# slice(v, releaseType)

Slices the specified number of dotted parts from the given semver version.


Name Types Description
v string - The semver version to slice
releaseType string - The release type to slice up to. Can be one of "major", "minor", or "patch"

# WeblateComponentLicense()

This badge displays the license of a component on a Weblate instance.

# render(translatedPercent)

Takes a percentage and maps it to a message and color. The colors are determined based on how Weblate does it internally. {@link Weblate on GitHub}


Name Types Description
translatedPercent * The percentage of translations translated.

# WeblateProjectTranslatedPercentage()

This badge displays the percentage of strings translated on a project on a Weblate instance.

# queryParams()

Array of OpenAPI Parameter Objects describing the up_message, down_message, up_color and down_color query params

# queryParamSchema()

Joi schema for validating query params. Checks if the query params object has valid up_message, down_message, up_color and down_color properties.

# renderWebsiteStatus(options, options.isUp, options.upMessage, options.downMessage, options.upColor, options.downColor)

Creates a badge object that displays information about website status.


Name Types Description
options object - The options for rendering the status
options.isUp boolean - Whether the website or service is up or down
options.upMessage string - The message to display when the website or service is up
options.downMessage string - The message to display when the website or service is down
options.upColor string - The color to use when the website or service is up
options.downColor string - The color to use when the website or service is down

# WikiapiaryInstalls()

This badge displays the total installations of a MediaWiki extensions, skins, etc via Wikiapiary. {@link MediaWiki Extensions Manual}