Hype Data Parser (main) doxdox documentation

Helper to parse strings into JavaScript multiple data formats and to easily extract specific facets from the data

# countChar(str, c)

This function counts the times a char is found in a string


Name Types Description
str String This is the text to be searched in
c Char This is the single text character to search



Returns a number of found matches

# csvToArray(csv, options)

This function parses a CSV string into an array structur Given a second paramter options of type object, default options can be overriden * fSep defaults to ';' or ',' (depending on what character is found more often) * rSep defaults to '\n', '\r' or '\r\n' (depending on auto detection mechanism) * quot defaults to '"' * head defaults to false and allows ignoring the first row * trim defaults to false


Name Types Description
csv String This is the text to consider as CSV
options Object This object can be used to override defaults



Returns an array of rows with nested arrays of field data

# csvToArrayByKey(csv, key, options)

This function parses a CSV string into an array structur while reducing the return to a shallow list with a single column of data


Name Types Description
csv String This is the text to consider as CSV
key String Number
options Object This object can be used to override defaults



Returns an array data from the requested column

# csvToObject(csv, options)

This function uses csvToArray (see function description), but converts the basic array into an object with keys based on the header. Because that is the case the removeHead option cannot be overriden and a header should be present in the CSV for text to work properly.


Name Types Description
csv String This is the text to consider as CSV
options Object This object can be used to override defaults



Returns an array of rows with nested objects containing named fields

# csvToObjectByKey(csv, key, options)

Parse a CSV file into an object grouped by the specified key, containing each an array of rows of nested objects with named cells (key and value). If a specific object key only has a single member, the object is directly listed without being nested in an array. The behavior of this function can be modified by specifying the value of options.objectByKeyMode: * auto (default) - this setting parses each nested key into a direct object, but converts it into a list if multiple elements by the key are found * list - this setting always forces a nested array listing. Hence, even single entries by the specified key will result in a nested array * reduce - this function never creates a nested list and multiple entries by a specified key overwrite each other and the last occurrence prevails


Name Types Description
csv String This is the text to consider as CSV
key String Number
options Object This object can be used to override defaults



Returns an object with named keys with nested objects containing named fields

# getLineBreakChar(str)

This function determines the line endings used in a string


Name Types Description
str String This is the text to inspect



Returns the used line ending type

# getTables(text, convert, options)

This function splits a string containing multiple CSV/TSV tables and returns an object of string or if optionaly into a data format


Name Types Description
text String This is the text (either TSV or CSV) containing the tables
convert Boolean If this boolean is set to true table is directly converted else it is kept as a string
options Object This object can be used to override defaults and is only used if conversion is enabled



Returns an object with tables referenced by index and if provided also by sheet and table name

# HypeDataParser()

# includesTables(str)

This function determines if a string most likely contains multiple tables (very simple check)


Name Types Description
str String This is the text to inspect



Returns if the provided text contains multiple tables

# rowsToColumns(csv, options)

This function transposes rows to columns as long as the length of the inital row is the same


Name Types Description
csv String This is the text to consider as CSV
options Object This object can be used to override defaults



Returns an array of rows transposed to columns

# tsvToArrayByKey()

This is an alias to the TSV version of the csvToArrayByKey method. The only difference being that the field separator (fSep) is set to tab (\t). Please look at the documentation for csvToArrayByKey

# tsvToObjectByKey()

This is an alias to the TSV version of the csvToObjectByKey method. The only difference being that the field separator (fSep) is set to tab (\t). Please look at the documentation for csvToObjectByKey